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5 diets for the prevention of migraine

5 диет для профилактики мигрениProper nutrition migraine sometimes helps to significantly reduce the probability of occurrence of attack and reduce its intensity.

Some existing diets which can prevent the development of asthma.

Hypoallergenic diet.

In predisposed individuals, some foods can provoke a headache attack. This thesis formed the basis of the concept of migraine as a form of food Allergy, which is expressed in the late 20th century.

The essence of the hypoallergenic diet is simple: it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods with vasoactive substances (tyramine, fenilalanin) and the so-called “histamine foods”(3). Ban be smoked sausages, some types of cheese, smoked fish, pickles and marinades, chocolate, flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate, oranges and other citrus fruits, caffeine and alcohol (especially red wine). It should also be noted that the development of the attack may be provoked and skipping meals. Therefore, for the hypoallergenic diet it is important to respect diet.

Vitamin diet.

This version of the diet the most accessible and physiologically justified. It was noted that some vitamins (especially vitamin B2-Riboflavin) have antioxidant, immunomodulatory and sosudoukreplyayuschim actions. On this basis, for the prevention of migraine attacks was suggested a diet with regular use of high doses (200-400 mg/day) of vitamin B2. Source of this vitamin are buckwheat and oat cereals, leafy green vegetables, peas, egg whites and many dairy products. Vitamin B2 is recommended for migraines, but it is possible that it has valuable therapeutic effects in other types of headache.

“Sighting” nutrition targeted nutrition).

Dietary strategy aimed at improving the assimilation of food and the work of the eliminative organs, was proposed in the beginning of the two thousandth. During ongoing studies on the nutrition of patients has added two food combinations. The first was easily digestible protein fish meat with a high content of several amino acids and probiotics – lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The second combination consisted of offal (liver and kidneys) and medical herbs (celery, parsley, green pepper) with the addition of specially selected minerals, including magnesium, zinc and manganese. According to the authors of the strategy, the first combination improved the absorption of products, while the second supported the functions of the excretory organs, providing a detoxifying effect. After 3 months of “targeted” food for more than half of the participants noted significant improvement in health and reduction in the number of headaches.

A diet low in fat.

Because high levels of lipids in the blood is one of the factors of migraines, logical attempts to reduce the frequency of seizures with low fat diet. The experiment confirmed the guess. Significantly reducing the content of dietary fats in the diet of patients with migraine (with 65.9 g/day to 27.8 g/day), researchers recorded a decrease in the frequency, intensity and duration of headaches.

The ketogenic diet.

This kind of therapeutic food for many years with varying degrees of successfully used to prevent epileptic seizures. Not so long ago, it was suggested that the background ketosis – a special state of the organism which develops when carbohydrate starvation and sought the diet – you may reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. The ketogenic diet is an individually calculated and rigidly controlled diet high in fat and limiting protein and carbohydrate in the ratio of 4:1 (fats: proteins + carbohydrates). This diet is assigned under the supervision of an experienced nutritionist, since even the most minor bugs in calories or volume of liquid can be broken.Go to the Main page

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