Home / Science and technology / 2017 Skype ends support for Windows Phone and Windows RT

2017 Skype ends support for Windows Phone and Windows RT

С 2017 года Skype прекращает поддержку на Windows Phone и Windows RTMicrosoft announced that it would stop support for Skype on Windows Phone and Windows RT. Stops maintaining legacy OSes from other manufacturers.

Microsoft officials said this is necessary in order not to disperse its forces and to pay more attention to dominant in the market of modern operating systems.

It is expected to improve the quality of calls and development of new functionality. Start time stop supporting Skype on older Windows systems called Oct 2016. At the same time, Skype will stop working with these OS instantly.

Support may, under certain restrictions, will be conducted prior to the beginning of 2017. What limitations follow for the owners of Windows RT and Windows Phone, to be announced, but the time to replace them with more modern systems – is.

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