Home / Business / Yuri Loza commented on the unequal marriage of Ivan Krasko and his young wife

Yuri Loza commented on the unequal marriage of Ivan Krasko and his young wife

Personastars, Marina Polyanskaya

September 9, Ivan Krasko, Natalya celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Despite this, over 60-year age difference and many still do not believe in the sincerity of feelings of the spouses. Singer Yuri Loza, who recently became popular thanks to his critical utterances on various topics, spoke out on this issue.


On his page on Facebook, the actor admitted that he wants only the best spouses, but some aspects of this marriage to him is still unclear.


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“The whole year our media relish (sounds interesting, isn’t it) details of marriage to 85-year-old Ivan Krasko with a 25-year-old girlfriend Natasha. I don’t like to dig in another’s linen, so I don’t want to spread gossip and rumors, and just wish the young happiness in your personal life, peace in the family and full mutual understanding. By the way, the same media talking about the constant motion of the newlyweds meet each other, he bought himself the extreme hopping roller skates, and she set wool accessory called “Tie my grandfather-the veteran of the scarf and warm socks.” But I was always tormented by the question — as a young groom needs to contact the bride’s mother, if he is forty years her senior? And to the grandmother of his lady, if she could be his daughter? Here’s a riddle…” — wrote the Vine (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).


By the way, Natalia is still not presented 85-year-old husband to his mother Svetlana Evdokimovna. The fact that she lives in Sevastopol, and the couple is in St. Petersburg. Natalia hoped that soon Ivan will finally meet the mother-in-law.

Иван и Наталья Краско женаты уже год

Свадьба 85-летнего народного артиста Ивана Краско и 25-летней актрисы Натальи Шевель стала самым обсуждаемым событием 2015 года. Впрочем, ничего удивительного, ведь актер старше своей возлюбленной на 60 лет!

По словам супругов, возраст для них не имеет значения

Народный артист называют любимую жену своей музой, а та в свою очередь посвящает ему стихи

Артист мечтает, что Наталья родит ему ребенка

Однако молодая актриса пока не готова становиться матерью

На данный момент у пары нет собственного жилья

Молодоженам приходится ютиться в квартире у внука артиста

Наталья и Иван Краско Фото: instagram.com/natalia_krasko

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