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Yoga for office workers

Йога для офисных работниковWho at least once tried to imagine the magical effect of yoga will forever believe in her power and will remain a supporter of such physical and spiritual practices.

If all the workdays you spend in a seated position, it is necessary to save his body physical exercise.

Try a special system of yoga for those who are constantly sitting. It will give your body lightness and vivacity!

The warrior pose. Take a lunge forward with the right foot. Make sure the front knee is over the heel. Raise your torso so that your shoulders were just above the hips. Inhale and raise your arms up, slightly arch your back. Hold for 5 breaths and then change sides.

Navasana. Sit down, leaning on the tailbone, and lift your legs. Squeeze inner thighs together and point the toes themselves. Try not to lean back too much. Hold and take 5 breaths.

Salabhasana. Lie face down to the Mat. Close the fingers to the castle behind you and arch your back so that the chest was exposed. Exhale and on the inhale lift your legs and chest. Keep your neck, eyes and face in a relaxed state and hold for 5 breaths. This posture is especially important a good Mat, as the bones of the pelvis tightly pressed to the floor, which can cause pain.

Dhanurasana. Bend feet in knees, arms pulled back, holding heel or ankle. Lift the chest and open the heart. Drag upward. Hold for 5 breaths, then gently scroll down.

Virasana. Sit the pelvis between the ankles, fingers pointing back. Hold for 5-10 breaths, then slowly relax.

Supta Virasana. Descend back to the elbow and forearm. If you have the space, slowly moving down. You can pull your hands behind your head. Hold for 5-10 breaths and then slowly and carefully return to Virasana.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. Lie on your back and place your feet on the Mat that they were at a distance from each other. Make sure you can touch the heels with the tips of the middle fingers. Lift your hips up. Or, place a block under your sacrum. Keep the neck elongated and the neck is open. Hold for 5 breaths and gradually relax each vertebra.

Urdhva Dhanurasana. Lift your hips up, and then put your hands next to ears, keeping your fingers looking at his feet. On the inhale lift the upper part of the head. Straighten your arms and lift your head from the floor. The external part of the body bent upward, inner thighs and back down. Hold for 5 breaths and then gently descend.

Supta Baddha Of Konasana. While relaxing on the back connect the soles of the feet together, knees spread to the sides. Place one hand on heart, the other on your stomach and allow the breath to calm down.

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