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Xenophobia hits the economy

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In Germany, the growing number of crimes of a xenophobic nature that negatively affects the image of Germany abroad, and this, in turn, can lead to economic losses.

From early January to mid-September 2016 in Germany, there were more than 1800 of politically motivated crimes against asylum seekers and refugees, which is twice more than in the same period last year (918). Of the total number of registered crimes of this type in 507 cases (including 7 killings of migrants and 78 of the buildings in the centers of temporary accommodation of refugees) was to use violence, and their organizers and executors were the xenophobes of various stripes – right-wing radicals and racists. Such information contains in the answer of the Federal Ministry of the interior at the request of the faction “Soyuz-90/the greens in the Bundestag.

The response also reported that “amid the ongoing debate on refugees intensified protest rhetoric. This applies in particular to the anti-Islamic movement Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland (IBD), which has previously attracted the attention of the stock against the “immigrant violence”. To IBD for former members of the NPD and other neo-Nazi associations and unions. Therefore, in recent years this movement is under the supervision of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution”.

It is noted that the database of the Ministry of interior made 20 German radicals, classified as “permanently ready to use violence and threats to society.” At the same time in the monitoring database for the radical Islamists are 520 individuals with the same characteristics. According to the expert of the green faction in the Bundestag on questions of internal Affairs Mihalich Irene (Irene Mihalic), “this can’t be true. Just incomprehensible that in a database on right-wing radicals, there is a huge gap between reality and the number of those who are in the focus of law enforcement. The number of dangerous xenophobes in Germany in the times higher”.

Concern about the increase in crime motivated by xenophobia was expressed by the President of the Confederation of unions of employers of Germany (BDA), Ingo Kramer (Ingo Kramer). He feared that because it could hurt the country’s economy. “Not so long ago abroad were pleased with our culture of hospitality, but now things have changed, – he declared in interview to the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse. – If you prevail the impression that xenophobia is stronger than the culture of hospitality, it is, among other things, will lead to the deterioration of the image German products, which in turn may cause the outflow of investment.” Responsible for the change in investor sentiment Kramer holds German politicians: “unfortunately, today politicians speak about refugees and foreigners, as some time ago they would be ashamed to say aloud. And this is unacceptable.”

In the opinion of the Commissioner of the Federal government for the new Federal lands Gleicke iris (Iris Gleicke), “right-wing extremism in all its forms poses a very serious threat to social and economic development of new lands. From the point of view of the government, the growth of xenophobia in Eastern Germany is very dangerous for economic growth and social peace,” she said at the presentation of the report on the state of German unity.

Of course, in the face of fait-accompli, it remains only to note a significant increase in crime, and not only xenophobic nature. But the fact that it was not calculated in advance before to open the borders of Germany before the avalanche of refugees – suggests that Analytics and forecasting are not the strength of our government and working on his advisers, research centres and research institutes. However, if you agree with “green” Mihalich, and the collection of primary data, things are not better.

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