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Word and deed – formula Russia

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 Слово и дело - формула России 

Was, is and will be forever!..


Chapter from the book of V. Pikul “Word and deed”


Alas, collegial government in Russia is long gone! Dashing new disaster loomed on the country – sumagaysay and bemagazine. On foreign maneer called this miracle Yudo tricky word-centipede – burocratic.

Officials wrote, read, wrote again to the hand written humbly and slavishly applied. No wonder the Germans were bloated Russia – they were taught Russian to oblivion to read dirty branded stationery printing. To the Russians from now on, no one believed – demanded from the paper. Osterman this situation was even like: “why me man, if there is a paper state, in no way all about this person already said? Russian is lying about yourself three boxes, and in the paper about it – gracefully and extract”.

Over the great Russian Empire fluttered paper, bumagami and bumazhonki. They shifted, put, lost. Together with paper forever lost and people: now he did not believe that he is a he.

– Yes, I have no papers, – were killed. – Where to take?

“You see,” with malice answered him, – you, Falcon, and prove yourself not mochen, and go from us… We don’t know you!

But sometimes, the dominance of papers has already become unbearable. Then smart people (magistrates or prosecutors) had done so: at night it seems to be accidentally started the fire. Morning from the rubble remains – single ashes. And so nice then to start all over again:

– From the paper, which we have listed under numbered pervym! Garska, go wash your face Yes, write the letter of the nostrils snatching yesterday. Chichas with scientists, bless you… reason with us sinners, Queen of heaven, our intercessor before the noun and the highest.

But where to lay his head, Russian man? Where to go and where to stand, where to hide? The enemies of the whole people of the soul of our cry. They are looking for of our bodies, to crucify him. Lord, I behold you whether things of theirs, the enemy? Burning soul… Russia is burning!

And not only in Russia, the city was burned and the fires emerged, and was called in those days, self-immolation of human word simple and sinister – fumes. Did not in good faith in Russia, the Prime evil watched the eyes of the Russian. In the log cabins of logs, which resin was crying, huddled heap with children and attendants. Set fire to themselves. The smoke from fires of such a post was carried up into the clouds. In the smoke that flowed into oblivion the human soul – the soul exhausted, ispolenie from bondage eternal to pass through the fire escaping. Burned families, crowds, villages. Sometimes 30 000 immediately, as it was on the Iset Yes, on the Tobol, was so on Celebi Yes to Tyumen. And do not even apostles, calling in fire to enter, as the temple is salutary. Misery, fear, despair – these are the main cherts, of which was cut out from the sparks of the fires of man…

Gary those were great, they were monstrous. But the smoke from them hardly reached the nostrils of the priests Synod.

– Whether to spare them to us? – said Feofan Prokopovich and was responsible for the whole Synod: – and they are Not worth our tears… For the loss of the soul of the lost is stronger than all other losses in the Russian state!

Is the popular murmur then be still using —

“CLAMPS, magnetic head, arms and legs in a single place, from which the worst of tortures along the ridge of bone lying at the joints distressed, the blood from the mouth, ears and nostrils and even eyes human flows…”

“The TIRE that is kindled with iron, led from thehostel or slowness in the body of a man, from koi hissed, squareline and bubbles rose… executions Of the same lightest – hang or head cut off…”

“ON the RACK was knitting the feet pads heavy, koi became, the executioner was proprygal, suffering increasing. Human bones, from the comfort of their joints, crunching, breaking, and sometimes the skin burst, and the veins of the human was torn, and in such a position whip beat so well that the skin flaps from the body were off…”

Over the great Russia, the country of the brave and fabulous knights, which for a year he reigned mnogovershinny fear. The feeling is meanly lodged in private houses, fear filled the barracks and military institutions particularistic, fear people lived and courtiers in the Royal Palace.


The year 1735 minutes- just the middle of the reign of Anna Ioannovna.

Five years spent already on the throne, basking in the glory and contentment of all. Sweetest incense filled the apartments of the Queen. The courtiers praised her wisdom, academics have composed in honor of Anna solemn odes. The best actors of Europe hastened to St. Petersburg to sing the praises of the Empress of Russian, and here were showered with gold. Occasionally (less and less) my thoughts were of Anna Ivanovna days its scarce a youth, a snowy silence over the sleepy Matavai, when the gold piece and been pleased as punch. And now something was lying in front of her – around the monstrous Kraken! – a huge Empire, submissive and subservient as a servant of the crucified, and now Anna Ivanovna fell in love with the scope, the grandeur, fulfilling all desires of their (even distant).

Bell have on Moscow have announced one day. – To the whole world the glory of my Majesty rung. So that all bells in the world was he as the Tsar bell…

And to live it monarhine there are only five years (although it is, certainly, the timing of life did not know). The woman in the juice was. Buxom. A strong body. With muscles strong. Men are susceptible. Black, like coals, eyes of Anna Ioannovna sparkled young. Ugly face – in anger and in passion enlivened lively glow. She was not afraid of frosts, in a fierce icy cold in her palaces stood wide open. Scarf Queen tie in the manner of a woman, like the wife of a peasant, and walks… haunting… suspects… listens.

Sometimes your hands will pop and garknet with freylinsky:

– Hey, girls! What stopped? Sing to me… Not again send all of portovino for the clearance of your pants to wash for my cuirassiers regiment of Minich! Well! Where fun your girl’s?

And, desperate yelp, sing ladies (sleepy):

Invented a fool – dress flaunt

And many persons declare themselves.

What did he, the fool, is so,

Not thinking helpful to give me a sign?

From neighboring chambers’s aged Balakirev:

– You don’t listen, mother. You better than me no one is going to sing:

In the sovereign’s office

Sits good in the hat.

On the table – a bucket of ink,

Under the table, his pen…

Damp boring peas in a bull bursting bubble is crawling jester Lacoste, king of the Samoyed. Behind him, the violin strumming fooling foolish to will are and Pedrillo. With a gloomy vanity, elbows shoving, tumbled to the Empress and the Russian clowns – Prince Volkonsky, Apraksin Yes Prince Golitsyn – Kvasnik. No, sadly the Queen from their jokes and fights, Prince Golitsyn, already crazy, one day a knife was cutting, and Balakirev her a long time to beat I want.

– Why, – she was meaner to him, the fool playing at, if the eyes to see, that you are smarter than me think?

Balakirev Empress fearlessly replied:

– I am a mother of Sudarynya, not because a fool – why did you fool us. I fool around from an excess of mind, and you make a fool of – from the lack of it. Here only I do not understand: why I’m not richer than you?

And was bit… was Fighting Anna Ioannovna wmah – fists more as the men fighting. And so strong were the blows of its that soldier with the legs with his fist felled. Wild beasts and game different stuffed it in the thousands, restraint in the hunt, not knowing. Bang! – flew out of the Palace bullet, smashing a passing bird. Whew! – whistled by the arrows shot from the Windows (and sometimes in person passer).

– I sdaetsa nisht, – said Anna Ivanovna, satisfied with myself. – Evon, as I Zdorovya, and not a single miss!

One bothered in the morning, the Empress – morbid burden at the bottom of her womb. Urine tsarist carried in a crystal bowl on the inspection of the life-physicians – Fischer, Candidi, Kaav-Boerhave, Lerche, de Tails… Showed her once and Lestok, which is from the treatment of Anna Ioannovna, was suspended, as the henchman of Elizabeth. Lestok nothing said in the Council, but a date with the Princess Elizabeth whispered in her ear:

– Urine is something is rotten in the bubble the Queen. And because of the life she left a bit… Your Highness, if five years ago are unable to the throne to climb, so I’m now hooked!

Elizabeth in fear slammed his mouth with her fragrant hand.

– Oh, Jeannot! said. “You act like you dare become… Silent.

The Inquisition unbreakable was on duty to guard the peace and amusements of the Empress and her chief, Andrei Ivanovich Ushakov was hard brooding. He thought the Duma neizbitoe – as if the Empress to please? The Treasury is already completely ruined, and now Anna everywhere profit for themselves looking for. Any Commerce, any College, the Senate and the high Office of the great – all the institutions of the state benefits it represents. Only one secret service fellows smokes alive, members them tears, drowning in bags with stones, but income from torture something not expected. “Could we, – thought Ushakov, – with fear nationwide direct benefit to have? After all, if the Russians in fear, then… isn’t it will? Will, how cute!”

And – invented.

– Languages – hinted Ushakov. – Tongues wag must…

In time Tom, dick and tongueless, when all was silent in Russia, was then screaming “languages”. Under the holidays in the days of Christ became from the Secret investigative Affairs office to lead the prisoners to the streets, and those streets have them between houses, forcing the innocent people, met by chance, shout “word and deed”… That’s when the horror has arrived! Now every pedestrian and even a little child, barely seeing Kundalini, hurried to hide, for fear of slander. Like roaches, curled in the cracks people… And flowed Golden streams into the Privy, and from there directly into the apartments of the Empress. Fear, is also profitable.

“You see,” Ushakov said the Queen, ” that you serve me with zeal. I love you for it vyskou his mercy…

In the reign of “Queen terrific to spar” the Russian people have lost the habit there to go. And myself to visit was Packed. Lived in the apprehension of the listeners and spies. It was! Indeed, more than once it’s happened… You’re the son of a bitch, on a visit to his Salukis, from thy table fed and drunk, he will rise, and then the next day, pohmelfs properly, you’re just snitching and write, had said, that condemned… Oh that was bad in Russia! Oh, how bad, God forbid!

And the prisons are full of people sitting after the holidays. They are guilty – very guilty: the first toast at the table was saying the rhyme or reason, without thinking. Drinking anyone have, and not for the illustrious mother, the Empress Anna Ioannovna…

Did not know the Russian people now, with what he side and troubles wait. Just in case – everywhere waited. Denunciations in those days, and these were:

“…in his home oven is available, in tiles, in which are depicted exceedingly two-headed eagles. Inasmuch as the eagle is the national emblem, which belongs only to the Empress, our gracious and seen the worst insult names high, for a reason… the coat of Arms on the oven tiles means the desire to burn it!”

The owner took the stove by the scruff. And took the dove. Oh, how he cried like a grieved… Home, he never returned.


In this 1735, which was cut in two during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, just this year far to the South, over the scorched steppes the Nogais began to ignite the fire reddish lone star. It flickered over constrained Russia’s Mars midnight star warlike, to hikes and bloodshed calling…

One of these days from the chambers of the Empress, Arapov tsibel shoulder and the door breaking, fell intoxicated Munnich, and in his hand the field Marshal, wiry, and crimson, dimly flickered broadsword.

– War thirst! – Munnich announced, his face beaming. – Long live honour… glory… immortality. Expand banners my – let everyone know that I’m going…

“Gevelsberg” is a word brought the field Marshal in awe. Two years ago, under this Fort of Gdansk in just one night Munnich ditched three thousand souls. Now he dreamed of rivers of blood to wash away the disgrace of failure under Regelsberger… And shaking his sword in hand Minich.

– Woe to you all, sitting on the Bosphorus! – he howled…

Osterman, like a midwife, took all the families of war and peace. Now it is slowly, without making noise, watching the decaying Utrobin the Crimean khanate ripen the fruit of new Russia in the war, and… “Not if we speed up these painful childbirth?”

Wax fingers Osterman rubbed sunken whiskey.

– Hush, hush, – said he to Munnich, looking around. – The Dutch ambassadors sakonskogo and that they will be writing their backyards? That we start a war? But the war after all, no more, thank God…

Vice-Chancellor slapped his hands against the rims of the wheels and (in all cushions, covered in feathers and the savings from the Palace of drafts) rode in a wheelchair in the twilight room of the Queen. Here awe the lights of the many lamps, sternly gazed with Parsuna whacky Timothy Archipi, and near it hung a portrait of the genteel and handsome poet – Earl Wove, slain near Danzig. Anna Ivanovna was sitting on the couches and knit stockings for Mirena Petrusha, son of his beloved.

– I am afraid, ” said Osterman. – Your Majesty, the fear of Russia in the war to quit. And… you need! The situation in the country is now so unfavorable that it is possible peasant revolt of waiting. European Newspapers have many years of wondering when the revolution will we have? And in order to avoid riots, – useplease mumbled Osterman, wise rulers always war to distract the people from internal Affairs to external Affairs. The army is thus also non-hazardous to the throne is, for batlama busy, she only thinks about Victoria glorious…


But before Russia entered the war with the Ottoman Empire, the Russian diplomacy in the works resides, preparing policy in the rear of the state for security. To negotiate with Nadir Shah to Persia, was sent to Prince Sergey Golitsyn (son of Veronica, former Ambassador in Madrid). With the European courts “of coniuratio” Union prepared the count Gustaf Lowenwolde – chief master of the horse of the Queen.

At night, over the huts on the Russian and Ukrainian Smoking by a dim light shone from the warlike star of Mars, and was the light in the sky – like a wound, old and aching.

To be the war! Again blood are great!

Oh Rus, Rus… You’re not used to.

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