Home / Business / Why the monkey a grenade, or Kiev again dreams of a lethal weapon

Why the monkey a grenade, or Kiev again dreams of a lethal weapon

Зачем обезьяне граната, или Киев снова мечтает о летальном оружии

No, the Ukrainian government is incurable. Kiev still hopes to receive the lethal weapon from the USA on a silver platter. Poroshenko also executes the orders of Washington, and therefore should receive a “reward”.

Think so, probably almost every Ukrainian, who today supports and Poroshenko, and Kiev, and the entire Pro-Western policies. The purpose of obtaining weapons not so much. “Patriots” of Ukraine, apparently, believe that this will allow you to return to the Crimea, DNR and LNR, and to show off to Russia by force, and indeed “to defend themselves from Putin and his “machinations”. And all Ukrainians are unanimous in the opinion that the U.S. “will not throw”. Well it’s fighters for “justice”, and thus they will fulfill their promise!

Based on this, the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Zorian Shkiryak even predicted when an American plane with the most lethal weapons will land on Ukrainian soil. The politician said that it will happen at a time when Hillary Clinton is President of the United States.

“I think if it happens, it will keep a tough stance against Russia and Putin, it will continue a course on support and protection of state interests of Ukraine”, — said Shkiriak, adding that Clinton talked about the possibility of granting Ukraine lethal weapons.

The statement of course, not a dummy – really Hillary Clinton could take the presidency, as is now ahead of his main rival Donald trump at 8% . However, the Ukrainian government forgets that to pay for weapons to Ukraine have nothing studies to provide lethal weapons there, and another loan Kiev is unlikely to get.

And anyway, last month Ukraine a few times “poked his nose” in the Minsk agreement as the best Western curators. So with a lethal weapon is to wait. Besides, why monkey a grenade, if she doesn’t know how to use it? APU is dangerous to trust such technology.

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