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Why society needs “not viable” citizens

Зачем обществу нужны "нежизнеспособные" граждане

Often wonder is why society needs “not viable” citizens, irresponsible and infantile? Entire TV channels and publishing houses are working on the dullness of society. And schools cut hours to the study of literature, thrown out of the program classical works, replacing them with entertainment.

At first glance, you may decide that a society has subordinated to commercial interests. After all, the infantile, the perfect consumers. Want of the other, and the third to their normal state. They are also gullible, critical thinking is developed poorly. With whom you can start a game at third yogurt for free, or a discount card for regular customers,” or “one hundred per cent discounts only today and only for you”? Of course, with infantile citizens, they are easy as children.


All true, but commercial calculation – that’s not all. The consumer society has its own characteristics: a lot of consumers, and resources are limited. Since the early 60-ies of the last century Western ideology actively encouraged a policy of covert genocide, in other words, the neo – malthusianism (the theory of the English economist T. R. Malthus (1766-1834). Malthus believed that unemployment is the consequence of an overabundance of people belonging to the natural laws of population. Proponents of the theory argue that high growth rates can lead to a world crisis. The only way to reduce the birth rate.

Preorienting people with large families to small. There is a “culling” of the population – weak people who are in difficult circumstances, dying before their time.

Contributes to the collapse of society, the liberalization of laws on legalization of drugs and prostitution, the resolution on same-sex marriage, the blurring of the boundaries between men and women – the so-called “third sex.” By the way, this globalist society with strong family ties and not needed. He needs supposedly free people, in fact, wholly subject to the will of the manipulators.

Rapid development has been the tobacco and alcohol industry produces food additives, new drugs with a bunch of “side effects”. And the production of food products that contain carcinogens and modified components? In the same Treasury – the promotion of dangerous sports, mindless computer games, crime.

To destroy the traditional human values are the main focus of such a policy. This is especially true in Europe and in the West. But the problem is that such developments have penetrated into our country and destroy our families.

If the whole family gathers in the house, parents and children often do not communicate with each other. Almost every room on TV one watches football, the second series, and third to show. Alienation becomes the norm. Some psychological services convince the parents that they absolutely know nothing about their children: to educate and communicate with them is recommended only as recommended by psychologists.In the beginning of the 90 parents turned to psychologists only when there were serious behavioural abnormalities. And now tips for parents are needed on all occasions. Rude grandmother, a psychologist, is rude to parents – psychologist, quarrels with her brother – also a psychologist.

But children by this logic, “know nothing about the care of their parents.” We can assume that when they grow up, they “trust” parents to social services. Remember how the Germans speak of nursing homes: “the Main thing that the person was free. Our parents in these homes feel free and independent. And we are also not bound by anything. It’s better for everyone.”

Зачем обществу нужны "нежизнеспособные" граждане

Trap childish and fool very easily. They believe that making free choices, but this choice is already determined globalist regime to which they are one hundred percent loyal.

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