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Why Russia to increase military cooperation with China

Зачем России наращивать  военное сотрудничество с Китаем

Apart from international relations and economic sostavlyaya Russia and China, who by the way, it is also necessary to protect and return to a purely military side of the issue, then for Russia, cooperation with China in the Pacific region becomes particularly important.

After the collapse of the Russian army in the 1990-ies-2000-ies the Russian Armed Forces began to recover, but to solve all of their problems was simply impossible.

Videoconferencing now coming to parity with the U.S. air force, we have actually the most powerful in the world of the armored component of the Land forces, and perhaps the best in the world artillery, but our fleet is still significantly behind the us – and this is especially felt in the Pacific.

The coastal strip of the armed forces can effectively control with anti-ship missiles, but a little farther from the shore we’re starting far behind our “sworn partners”. But the Chinese Navy in the Pacific is catching up in power to the us, and some positions already beat him to it.

China also needs our system for early detection of missiles and air defense, also our fighter Avicenna can effectively cover areas of mainland China.

If the ocean will see good relations in the military sphere, between Moscow and Beijing, it would drastically cool the hot heads Washington and relieves the tendency of some American politicians and generals to military adventurism.

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