Home / Economy / Why is the volume of the transport of metals by railway transport will continue to decline?

Why is the volume of the transport of metals by railway transport will continue to decline?

Почему объем перевозок металлов ж/д транспортом продолжит сокращаться?

The volume load of the rolling stock of Russian Railways primary metals did not exceed the level of last year, amounting to 5.7 million tons.

Since the beginning of 2016, railway traffic was sent 35.6 million tons of ferrous metals. This is 1.7% less than last year.

New directions for Russian exports

This year increased volumes of export deliveries to different regions:

  • eight-fold increase in the volume of traffic in Italy,
  • twice – in Taiwan,
  • one-third in the United States,
  • in half – Mexico,
  • increased export volume to Egypt, where last year deliveries almost was not carried out.

The growth in Russian foreign trade coincided with the increase in production volumes in June, when, in particular, steel production grew by 2.5%, black hire, respectively, by 3.1%.

In the domestic market lull

However, the volume of railway transportation of steel products in the country in the first half decreased.

The causes of the slowdown in the rise in the cost of steel (amounting to 20% -80% for certain types of products).

Alexei Volodin, Director General of the production enterprise “Electromash”, specializing in the supply of forgings, casting and machining, said that buyers of steel products are now paused, hoping that the market will soon stabiliziruemost.

Meanwhile, the investigation of the causes of rising prices for steel are now seriously engaged in the Federal Antimonopoly service, in recent months received more than 50 complaints from companies that purchase steel products.

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