Corruption war in the human world touched the world of the dead. Soaring prices for ritual services and the fight itself in this market has led to unexpected consequences: people no longer go for help to the professionals. In Russia the relatives often not only washed, but you embalm the dead. And then they dug the grave in an open field and driven back to the trucks their loved ones. Does this not remind you all of this the middle Ages? In this scenario, we can return to the times when the epidemic was raging…
Meanwhile, in a completely civilized place — the Bureau of judicial medical expertise of the Moscow recently contracted tuberculosis from the corpses of more than a dozen doctors and nurses. It would seem, what communication between this PE and the trends? The culprit here is greed.
For whom the corpse is a pocket which you end up emptying despite any health regulations? What “recipes” are the people preparing the bodies of the dead at home? As in Russia today “sown” in the grave? — in the investigation of the observer of the “MK”.
photo: Mikhail Kovalev
“Necrosis” conscience “opened” TB
In December of last year it became known that 13 employees of the Bureau of SME contracted tuberculosis. PE tried to hush up. I’ll tell you: still no one suffered any punishment for the ruined health of physicians.
In a month I will remove the top of one lung, — begins the story the coroner Galina Donina (the surname is changed — a comment. Ed.). — But two have the following operation: remove the top of the second lung.
Galina Vladimirovna — doctor of the first category, explores the bodies of the dead almost 8 years. The work is not for the faint of heart, but women in most IEMS. Here is a typical day she received a cycle: it goes to the dissecting-room, where the table is prepared, the body (clothes washed), reveals the body, examines the bodies, dictates the laboratory results of external and visceral research, takes samples of tissue and blood for histological examination, sews the body. And so — several times a day.
— Our institution has a capacity of 8 thousand autopsies a year, but in fact we do about 15 thousand, — Galina continues. — Sometimes a day goes by and more 60 dead, including tuberculosis, HIV and other dangerous infections. The so-called infectious section we have a little adapted for opening. It is located in one wing with a “clean” room. The air is stagnant and stale. I was asked several times to show the plans for ventilation shafts, but I, of course, no one showed. The flow of blood and biological fluids in the “infectious” also not isolated. But it turns out just a breeding ground for all sorts of infection! Personal protective equipment for the examination of corpses gave me only one (!) time. The rest of the time I was examining the corpses in a normal outfit.
Sometimes, we accidentally discovered the TB in the usual, “clean” room of the deceased with an unknown diagnosis (sometimes this can be done at the stage of separation of the sternum from the ribs, that is, before opening the main source of infection). But then the body didn’t even moved in “infektsionku”. Why? Because you need the permission of the head, and get it was not possible. As we explained, the movement of the body need 5 minutes of extra time there. Meanwhile in the hall in total at the same time there are 6 doctors, 6 technicians and 3 medical orderlies. And in this situation they are at risk of infection. When identified 10 cases of tuberculosis of employees, I’m not surprised. Sooner or later it had to happen, because miracles as such do not exist. To date 13 people with the officially confirmed diagnosis, that is already possible to speak about the epidemic. Tell me, why is everyone silent about this? In the media this accident was mentioned only a couple of times, and then only in passing.
Galina almost all the time inpatient is treated in the Central research Institute of tuberculosis (after taking the strongest medication she developed toxic hepatitis). She rarely sees her infant. She doesn’t know when he can go to work. Galina Vladimirovna received with the waste material. During the six months of her illness in front of her elementary no one even apologized. She calls it “necrosis of conscience.”
After I sent letters to the President, the government and the General Prosecutor’s office began check. The CPS found the mass of violations on labor protection, in the end, the management of SME Bureau was fined 60 thousand. Think about it: 60 thousand for 13 doctors! As cheap to assess the state of their health… Donina quite reasonably asks: why didn’t anybody been prosecuted? Why still no explanation from the officials?
We think we know the answer.
How to “gut” the corpse
In European countries, only 4-5% of deceased are sent for autopsy to ascertain causes of death. In Russia attention! up to 70%.
Typical story: the dead grandmother 75 years old, in the head of an axe no, there is no redistribution of property, the children say — sick, doctors say — ill. Criminal death? Hardly. In Germany, France, England, the body of the grandmother in such circumstances will simply be buried. And only in Russia before it visit the Bureau of satexperts. In some Russian regions there is even a manual for police to send a forensic medical examination for all except cancer patients.
— Forensic medical experts do not conduct a separate investigation, — says the author of a number of bills on the funeral business in Russia Alexei Sokolov. Doctors only determine the cause of death, and quite superficially, at the level of “rake across, looked down and stitched up”. But why do it if it helps to request a medical card? Because the state pays for one opening about 20 thousand rubles. A year is more than 10 billion! And not for this to all the body eventually passed through a “bottleneck”? In half of regions of Russia forensic Bureau is one of the major players of ritual business. Here come the relatives — and what do they see? Representatives of ritual offices. Funeral firms can be several, but only one is “affiliated” with BCMA, may receive all certificates for three hours and not 2-3 days. It happens that some of the mortuaries and provide funeral services. In addition is a separate fee for custody of the body in the cold room, for his balzaminova, etc.
Experts say: great thread of corpses has led to the fact that doctors in the morgue working on an Assembly line. In some regions, specialists of BSMA ceased to generally request a medical history before opening. What if the deceased was something more dangerous tuberculosis? Ventilation can not cope, to ionize the air do not have time. The bodies go one by one… Remember, as said Galina Vladimirovna about the lack of even five spare minutes to shift allegedly died from a contagious disease in “infektsionku”?..
From the files of “MK”
In 2009 were arrested by the staff of the Bureau of forensic medical examination in Rostov region. Against them criminal case under article “Fraud”. For the standard procedure (the embalming of the body, placement of the deceased in the cooler) they took from relatives of the dead dozens of times over the official rate, established by the state. By the staff of the morgue claimed that the criminal proceedings against them — revenge from law enforcement bodies for failing to give the “correct” conclusions.
And by the way, why bother to open those who have had HIV or tuberculosis? In Europe, such deaths are examined only in extreme cases (for example, if there is a claim to native doctors for substandard care).
photo: Mikhail Kovalev
— And we have the obligation to report all unidentified corpses, say the employees of notorious morgue. Although most of these dead homeless people that come to us from hospitals №№8 and 13 (where treated) with established diagnosis “tuberculosis”.
Just think: if in Moscow BSME turned out to be a breeding ground for dangerous infections, what is happening in the regions?
— You missed another one, absolutely criminal, says intelligence officer Igor V. — Immediately, I note that in Moscow, thank God, nothing like that happened. But in the regions it happens, doctors removed the biological components of the corpses and, of course, sell them for big money. Remember how in Kazan guards on the highway stopped the car and biomaterials from BSMA? In addition to the blood found there and cut off the heel cut the menisci, which were intended for beauty salons and dental clinics.
This case became known only because the “merchandise” discovered by the police, and that was by accident. Those operations which are performed by the FSB, classified. If you know about them, would have made your hair stood on end. Say, for example, that sometimes pathologists get strange orders — for example, on rare disease affected tissue. This can be a potential biological weapon.
Help “MK”
In 2013, SC opened a criminal case against members of the Republican Bureau is judicial-medical examination of Ministry of health of Tatarstan. They are suspected of excess of powers of office. According to investigators, they received orders to collagen (used for injection of youth and beauty) and bone tissue (it is used in dentistry for dental implants). These components are the employees of the morgue was extracted from dead tissue.
District vs. ambulance
When my mother died, I was alone at home, — tells the inhabitant of the Smolensk Hope spent. The doctors drove an hour and a half. The stairs they barely rose, so I barely restrained so as not to push them. Examined the body, said: “Probably died” — and headed for the exit. Their composure shocked me. I blocked the road with the words: “How can you leave me alone with the deceased? What can I do?! Give me a manual any”. They did not given. Just left. Only a few hours later came the policeman and explained that we should call trudovskoe…
Instructions to lead shocked by the death of a loved one, no. While abroad the first thing the mother handed the memo, which detailed signs, what to do and where to go. Assume that we instead of monuments — funeral agents.
About trade information about the deaths in recent times have forgotten. It is believed that it overcame. In some regions, really it is. There, by the way, conducted a special operation security services: private apartment called and reported the supposed death in an ambulance and the police and then “accepted” by those agents who first appeared at the threshold.
— All over again — says Sokolov. — Comes to oddities. At the same time come the policeman and the EMT, each with its own agent, and these agents are fighting on the landing. The district sees that the body is now gone to a competitor, and says, “something’s not right with the body. Though dead and 95 years, but you hear a strange smell of almonds. Maybe she was poisoned? Directed on a forensic medical examination”. While the Bureau generally has its own funeral company. But then on the principle of “don’t get anyone are you”…
Photo: mskagency
At a recent meeting in the Ministry of internal Affairs we raised this issue, but the Deputy Minister was indignant: “Yes you that?! We have long since eradicated! Here doctors — those Yes, those can trade information, but we don’t”. And at the meeting in the Ministry of health we are told the same thing about the police.
And the output is the same: to prohibit the unauthorized departure of the agents to the house. Generally from the design of funeral services at home declined in many European countries, having come to the conclusion that this is a source of corruption and unhealthy competition. Let the person decide where to go, what ritual offices, ask the price and choose.
While often frightened by the prices agents annoying people decide not to use their services. If you type in the search engine Yandex, the words “to bury”, the first line will be released “how to bury free”, “how to bury, if there is no money”…
“I will bury you in an open field-Polushka”
— We buried our local drunk Fyodor themselves, — tells the inhabitant of the Bryansk region. — Money penny, no family. The carpenter made a coffin from boards. Fedor our grandmother refused to wash, so we choose in the courtyard splashed the well water. Then loaded it in the truck to carry firewood, and so was sent to his last journey…
The average bill for service for the burial in Russia — 25 thousand rubles. The amount seems small but for someone even it is unaffordable. The legislator has established social compensation 5277 rubles on a minimum set of services associated with the burial. But ritualistic silent. At best, they offer the customer a discount on this amount. Experts insist: it is necessary to legally require every funeral home among others to offer for exactly that amount. This could be the modest set (coffin, scarf, Slippers, etc.), but it will be.
And while this is not given, not only in villages but even in small towns with a population of 500 thousand people appeared very dangerous trend. People no longer even seek the services of professionals. They at home wash the body, clothe themselves, even you embalm yourself! In the Internet there are forums, which discusses how best to spread or to chop the deceased, the body was lying at home for three days. “We need about 5-7 litres of formalin, diluted with alcohol in equal proportions, enter into the circulatory system of a dead man”, is instructed in one of the forums. In fact, do it to the layman almost impossible. Moreover, imagine what could be in such manipulations at home. What if the deceased was sick, and it spread to the whole staircase?..
Experts propose to prohibit such. More precisely, if the relatives decided to perform all the ceremonies of the house, please, but only after they, first, will be in the hands of the certificate on the absence of the deceased dangerous diseases, and secondly, they will strictly follow the rules. Right about now, and develop a procedure for handling bodies at home. Ideally, it should still do the specialist. So why not prescribe that it relies either free or at the expense of most 5277 rubles?
There is another danger.
— In our environment, coined the term “sowing the grave”, — says the representative of one ritual offices in Ulyanovsk Maksym Tymoshenko. — Every cemetery has its limits, but now people began to bury and beyond. So we have, for example, with the churchyard “North”. People hope that municipal authorities will have no choice but to legalize these graves. The same situation in Samara. In some regions people actually “sow” graves in the open field, agricultural land. The reason is simple: no money to buy parts or cheap parts are over.
Latest funeral news of the capital as the lawgiver of the mod even in this sad affair a little scary. On the one hand, people will be allowed to take the coffins to the car (and in the ground buried in a cardboard box), the other for 3 million rubles, you can buy the ancestral burial at the troyekurovskoye cemetery. Shine and poverty of the modern world of the dead.