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Why I go to the polls

I also followed my friends to the candidates from the party “Yabloko” decided to tell about the reasons which induced me to consent to nomination as a candidate in deputies of the Saratov municipal Duma of the fifth convocation on the fifteenth single-mandate constituency.

The more that one of the readers of a certain Natalia Avdonina to my message about registering, I fantasized quite specifically about what I will do in the Saratov municipal Duma: “Give more freedom to the Mormons and advance the construction of a Mormon chapel! What else will do Nikitin? Do not flatter yourself!”

Watchful mistress Natalia Avdonina, and with it, and others who are interested, I explain the following to understand what a Mormon was. In the creed Mormon recorded:

“11.We are claiming our right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience and recognize the same right for all men, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous and in doing good to all people. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things it.”

For me, the worldview of Mormonism is attractive because it is fully consistent with the worldview of our ancestors, written in the Slavic Vedas.

By the way, Mormons pledge to obey the law Rita (they have the law of virginity), the law of the ancient Slavs, they are Slavs, after a violent baptism into oblivion.

So nothing wrong with the fact that I am a Mormon, I do not see. Although to live these principles of Mormonism very, very difficult.

But it so, retreat.

I’m fair elections on 18 September do not believe. In our society, no positive change, giving hope for fair elections did not happen. The composition of the electoral committees, the integrity of which is known to us, has not fundamentally changed. I am therefore convinced that the new composition of the Saratov city Duma of the fifth convocation will be qualitatively very little different from the now surviving the last days. For this reason, the winning MPs from the party “Yabloko”, which will be unavoidably in a critical minority, seriously affect the quality of the adopted city Council decisions unlikely.

My victory in this election will be difficult, more than difficult. But still possible.

But this does not mean that I in case of victory going to follow the example of most of the city’s MPs. This confirmation and a guarantee all of my public defender’s activities since 1994.

So, what I want to do in the city Duma.
As a city MP I get the opportunity to have information, which I today, as even relatively well-known public figure, is closed.

And, therefore, I will have the opportunity on a completely different level to achieve a complete report of the city power about what and how has been spent the city’s money on a single feature, that is, specific schools, medical facilities, etc. for the purpose of nature conservation, housing, utilities, health care, social protection etc. and to deny me that would be impossible! I this information will give publicity.

Today on the website of the administration of Saratov have information “Budget for citizens”, which is the rudiment of the future normal report. In this clear and understandable language for the layman tells what articles and in what amount was manufactured spending. But this report cannot be smart and thinking saratovtsy to conclude whether all was fine with the budget, that is, stolen money or not, whether to use the budget money in interests of the city or in the interests of a handful of members of the ruling city of the clan, was whether all spending is necessary, targeted and effective. I wrote a lot of articles on this issue many times spoke at a public hearing on the budget, as with its acceptance, and according to his report.

I understand that today, Saratov is located at the level of the socio – political culture that the problem of the open city budget is of little concern to them.

But if the budget is not opened, then the town will receive real opportunities for their development and will choke in that gray state where it is today.
When closed, the budget all wishes about qualitative improvement of urban environment of our habitat will remain empty dreams. And nothing more.

The second problem is no less important – to make a formal government in the city of Saratov in the real self.

It is very simple (but for us very difficult!). The municipal officials of the city and regional level is taken away the right to make any final decisions. They turn only to experts and advisers: to prepare draft decisions on applications and appeals of citizens and legal entities and give MPs written and oral recommendations. But the decision is up to MPs in their committees and working groups.

Then it is not official, but a member elected Saratov, becomes the Central figure in the city. Opportunities for abuse are converging with one hundred percent as it is now, to about five to ten percent. The notion of kickbacks thing of the past, as they are at the city level will be impossible.

Unfortunately this problem the bulk of Saratov very little care.
But without solving the problem of establishing genuine self-government, the improvement in the quality of our lives in the city of Saratov is also not possible.

And, of course, in addition to the mass current of parliamentary Affairs ( I was the city’s MP in the 1990 – 1993), I will contribute to the revival of the Slavic worldview among saratovtsev.

Ancient our ancestors communicate with us in our everyday Russian language by the images, which are embedded in letters and words, but which the Russian people were selected. We, therefore, their ancestors and not to hear or feel! One word Ivana, not remembering kinship.

TRUE= RULE-YES, that is what is the divine establishment of the Slavic Gods of the world are right in our world of REALITY.
The word JUSTICE= S – RULE-VEDA – DO-IN-ST, that is our actions and our understanding of the proper in the world of REALITY in accordance with the statutes of our Russian Gods from the world of law.

Encrypted and so hidden meaning of images in any of our Russian word!

To understand that the Russian word is hidden, it is enough to take the old Slavic alphabet and see which images correspond to each letter forming a word. And before us opens a completely different world, completely different world view and understanding of the world!

In ancient Slavic alphabet shaped hidden matrix of the universe.
I suggest to readers, based on hidden in the Slavic letters, of images, to analyze and reflect on the word FREEDOM. This at first seem a little complex, but You will not regret it. Fascinating process!

Unfortunately, I also understand that while for the majority saratovtsev the ancient worldview of our ancestors, who lived in Holy Russia, more of no interest.

But, in my opinion, without a return to the Vedic worldview of the ancient Slavs no actual revival of the Russian people is not possible. Worshiping a strange God and sensing the attitude of other Nations it is impossible to give the modern world something new, and spiritual light, that is the same truth, freedom and justice.

Yes, I need the help and support of volunteers.
If there are volunteers that will help me to campaign, fine.
If not, then there is a real danger, Saratov another five years will remain in the same condition in which they are today.

In the photo my speech at a public hearing on the budget.

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