Home / Economy / Who is the lawyer Gref, who said about foreign dependence as for the welfare: not to forget

Who is the lawyer Gref, who said about foreign dependence as for the welfare: not to forget

Кто такой юрист Греф, заявивший об иностранной зависимости как о благе: не стоит забывать

Is reported to know it, not having economic education, Gref does not like and is unable to conduct a reasoned argument. Blind faith in the absolute value of private property, the need for government withdrawal from the economy, the redundancy of social assistance to the population and an intolerance of objection very successfully replaced him knowledge.

Gref temper; so, at the Cabinet meeting he demanded severe punishment for extremism burnt his effigy of people protesting against the criminal pushing Russia to the WTO on obviously onerous terms. During a visit to Brussels he subordinates gave a beating to the head of the Russian delegation in European Commission Fradkov that “backfired” in his last Premiership. However, stories about the promises of Gref “hang on rope” subordinates are accompanied by ritual representations as to his courtesy.

When Putin in 2003 together with him with the Pope, some media called Gref Protestant and the other Catholic.

At the St. Petersburg economic forum 2012 is an innocent question suddenly provoked Gref on the scandalous frankness, revealed a categorical rejection of democracy not only for Russian reformers, but to modern liberals in General.

“You say terrible things, — said Gref. — You offer to transfer power into the hands of the population… once people understand the basis of his “I” and samoidentifikatsiya — manage to manipulate will be extremely hard. People don’t want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. How to live, how to manage such a society where all have equal access to information, all have the opportunity to judge directly, to nepreprovoda information through the trained government analysts, political scientists and huge machines, the media employed in constructing and maintaining (social) strata? In such a society to live? To me your argument becomes scary; frankly, I don’t think you fully understand what you’re talking about.”

Then some people thought that the word Gref is a misunderstanding or simply a manifestation of his personal, as the Americans say, “alternative gifts”.

But now, after the Ukrainian disaster, there is no doubt that this is no accident, but an honest expression of liberal, democratic, European values in their current form.

And the new “masters of life” so smug and so despise the people that do not consider it necessary to hide their relationship to us.


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