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Who are the Russian

Кто такие русские


To understand who the Russians are, it is necessary to define the basic concepts. There is a state, is an ethnic group. The great Russians as an ethnic group was formed about Ivan the terrible. We are a relatively young ethnic group. The life of the ethnic group 1-1,5 thousand years. Unless, of course, no one will help you die sooner. Well, who now, in addition to the dense historians, remembers some of the polabian Slavs, or of the Merkits? Our state, or rather Empire, arose much earlier than our ethnic group, with Batu Khan. Just in time, the capital was in Moscow. If Moscow at the time, took Tamerlan, the capital of the Empire would probably be another city, but the state religion would be Islam, but back to the real story.

We are very much cooked in the cauldron Horde, largely becoming the it product, taking over from the Horde organization of the state and way of life. Moscow initially lost resource to all of its competitors – Poland, Sweden, Turkey. But due diligence, prowess and cunning in the end, created a great Empire. For the peoples of Siberia and Asia, we were his, many of them considered it an honor to pay tribute to the White king.

The period of the Romanov Empire is considered to be the highest point of Russian greatness. In this course there is a lot of truth. However, the German Romanov dynasty, as Peter himself was too European, too Western. The Romanovs were largely perceived the wider Russian Siberia and Asia as a colony. And too late abolition of serfdom and the belated start of capitalism initially put a huge Eurasian Empire in the position to catch up. The Crimean war is not only a feat, but also a great shame, which I remember in Russia so far.

The Soviet period of history with all the successes were not unique for Russian. The USSR controlled half of the world. Red flag over Berlin in 1945 – our greatest victory in our history. However, Soviet Russia was not only red, but also white, who for obvious reasons chose to remain silent. Even the children of the Church baptized in secret for fear of serious problems at work. The great Russians were the main resource of the global red project of social justice. However, the resource in the end not enough. We just wanted to send, imposed by the Bolsheviks, the Communist idea to hell and live a conventional bourgeois life. As a result, in 1991 the Soviet Union broke up. Collapsed not because the national-liberation struggle of the suburbs, but just because I want to we – Russian.

However, speaking in the terminology of Lev Gumilyov, is of course also such a thing as a super ethnos. It us composed of many ethnicities of the former USSR, first of all, Turks. The restructuring of democratic public loved “postebatsya” over the term “Soviet people”. But to fully create this super ethnos lacked a single generation. Still I feel at home not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kazan, but in Minsk or Almaty.

As you know, the most beautiful is the score. We really have something to be proud of. Brilliant victories we have had a lot more than bitter defeat. We, great Russians, of course, one of the most successful Nations in history. But alas, serious problems. Problems that can cost us our lives. We are a ethnic group without a head. The pre-revolutionary elite partially degenerated, the most striking example of Nicholas the Bloody, was partially destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The Soviet degenerated even faster. I once worked at the Institute of Economy RAS, very small and weak people. Someone engaged in petty bribery, and someone could not even provide for themselves, not to mention the woman or the family. But the sovereign plan of the brain elite of the country, the center for economic and financial thought.

Now, when after a turmoil, Russia has returned to its traditional Imperial way, Crimea was really a point of no return, very painfully, by trial and error, formed a new elite. Offshore aristocracy in the past. About it, as about the famous Yeltsin’s 1996 election, few people remember. But the process of forming a new elite would in any case be lengthy. I hope it will be evil and ambitious. Otherwise, bourgeois Russia in the modern world simply can not survive. Well, you won’t end up like tsarist or Soviet.

In this respect the experience of criminal revolution and the privatization of the 90s, and just a tough, young, emerging market will be very useful. That is to say – evil is good. Training before the decisive battles. At the time, a year of work, investment analyst at one of the financial companies has completely changed the author of these lines. Everything has changed – circle of the horizon, even a taste for alcohol, and most importantly attitude to life. For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow.

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