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When memory problems will help rosemary

При проблемах с памятью поможет розмаринIdentified the unique properties of rosemary.

Constantly you’ve forgotten something? You need the rosemary! Psychologists from the University of Northumbria proved a positive effect of rosemary essential oil on the brain.

If you breathe in its aroma, it is possible to improve brain activity. At least this is true for the elderly.

In the framework of the scientific work, the experts focused on prospective memory – ability to remember that you need to perform certain tasks at a certain time, and the ability to remember things that need to happen in the future.

Scientists brought together about 150 people over 65 years of age. People were placed in a room where it smelled of rosemary, or in the room with the scent of lavender. There was also a control room without the smell.

Aromatization of premises was due to a couple of drops of aromatic essences that are added into a running fan.

The fan was switched on for five minutes. Once in the room, volunteers were asked to go through tests that determine the quality of prospective memory (tested two components of memory associated with time and event-related). Also the mood was recorded before and after tests.

In the end, it is in the “rosemary room” the memory is much strengthened compared to a room without fragrance. Also the scent of rosemary increased performance vigilance, and the scent of lavender, by contrast, was comforting and created a sense

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