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What you get in the Church?

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What you get in the Church? Looking ahead, just answer the question the article — all diseases transmitted through mouth, nose, skin. And now more as it happens.

The Liturgy is the main worship service of the Orthodox Church ends with the communion of the faithful of Christ’s Holy Mysteries, or sacrament. What is it? According to the Christian view, during the Liturgy, prepared the bread and wine become the true Body and Blood of Christ. At the end of the Liturgy, the priest from the altar brings the chalice with the Holy Gifts, says a prayer and begins the communion. Believers singing “the Body of Christ accept, the source of immortality taste” reverently partake of the sacrament. I deliberately, not to offend believers, I write these words with a capital letter, as customary in the Church literature. But the subject of the article requires you to look at it from another point of view. I hope that another point of view, so to speak, objectively-medical, will not be offensive to believers. And if it is, then this is a good occasion to reflect on his faith and the reason for such a view offensive.

Externally the Holy Mysteries look like slices of softened white bread, soaked in highly diluted table wine (Cahors), and the faithful from a spoon, often licking her tongue and lips, eating the bread pieces. As a priest who has served in the Church for twenty years, I can say that some communicants are experiencing religious enthusiasm or try to portray, but most of the faithful does it out of a sense of religious duty. But, most importantly, from a spoon — in Church language it is called “deceitful” — can communion up to two hundred people through saliva passing each other their worms, viral and bacterial infections. The fact that every human body contains, as a rule, many known pathogens, bacteria and viruses — now is the medical fact. The activity of the bacteria and viruses in the body depends on the competence of the human immune system. The bad ecological situation in large cities, older age and chronic diseases reduce the efficiency of the immune system. Thus, the Church becomes a zone of high risk of infection with worms, bacterial and viral infection as the main and permanent constituency consists of older and sick people who came to the Church for healing. And they receive communion for the sake of healing from a spoon-Lizy! When I was a communion of people, unwittingly pay attention to the color of the tongue of the communicants. Healthy color of the tongue was found only in children, the majority of believers, the tongue was pale or white, that says about the bad condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the organism as a whole.

The belief that Holy Mysteries are destroying bacterial and viral infection, is the only object of man’s faith. Worms, bacteria and viruses live by his “faith”, the essence of which is reproduction and distribution. In this sense they are very “love” of the Church. The Orthodox tradition of veneration of icons, relics, crosses and hands of the priests, even if they are very Holy, also contributes to transmission of infection. May be, constant aggressiveness, irritability and depressed mood many believers are associated with parasitic and chronic infectious processes that are constantly supported traditional Church life?.. The ancient Church rule prescribes to excommunicate parishioners who missed three weeks without sacrament, thereby encouraging them to do so. As you know, all of life’s human problems, ranging from poor relations in the family and ending with all the illnesses, including incurable, the Church “wins” only one way: often necessary to partake! Alas, such a “medical event” does not give the desired results and has many side effects, which is this article. I want to emphasize that to catch worms and any infections can not only in Church but anywhere, through food and water. The CPS somehow watching this, but absolutely no attention to the Church environment as special zone of risk. Apparently the CPS have all the Orthodox. After the Liturgy the priest will make for your health is the most awful, what is left in the chalice after communion, it is necessary to eat, or in Church language “to consume”. And in the bowl by this time is a mix of absolutely rasciesa pieces of bread and human saliva, which gets in the bowl with litzy during communion. Typically consumes the chalice the deacon, but if not or he somehow managed to wriggle out of this, the consumption of the Shrine goes to the priest. However, fans of alcohol — priests and deacons consume the Cup with great pleasure, especially after consumption relies portion of Cahors wine. It should be noted here that, according to my long-term observations, among the clergy and Church parishioners are very few healthy people. When I left the Church, we first started cleaning your body out from the Holy gifts during the service. Will refrain from intimate details, but only say that it took several years. Treatment of yersiniosis took six months.

There is another disease which is treated much more difficult than parasitic or bacterial infection. It is poisoning the “spiritual booze”. What is it? In 1905, V. I. Lenin in the article “Socialism and religion” wrote: “Religion is the opium of the people. Religion — a sort of spiritual booze in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for any decent human life.” If people in the Church “drowned” their human image, and it is primarily the right and happiness to live with your mind and to take responsibility for his life, he can not live without the Church and the “Holy” priests, religious becomes addicted, plunging into the abyss of sin and endless fruitless repentance. The weakening of health due to the constant infection in the Church of pathogens, bacteria and viruses, only supports the state of religious dependency, making the person more and more submissive and manageable.

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