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What medicines cannot be mixed at the reception

Какие лекарства нельзя смешивать при приемеThere are medicines that are incompatible as in the physico-chemical, and pharmacological.

If adopted together, the result can be unexpected.

That’s why when they are prescribed, you should follow certain rules:

• It is better not to mix and not to impose one sprite certain vitamins. For example, if you combine vitamin B6 and B12, the first of them dissolved salts of cobalt, which are part of the second. If you mix solution of vitamins B1 and B12, vitamin oxidize.

• Simultaneous administration of vitamins B1 and B12 worsens the possibility of their transformation into biologically active forms. Moreover, their combination increases the likelihood of allergic reactions.
• In the same syringe it is not possible to introduce penicillin and vitamin B1, as it leads to the destruction of the penicillin.

• Together with penicillin is not recommended to prescribe vitamins C, d, K and B12, especially for those patients who have a tendency to thromboembolic processes. The fact is that the vitamins along with penicillin increase blood clotting.
• Streptomycin should not be mixed in the same syringe with vitamin B1, since the latter is oxidized.
• Vitamin B1 has pharmacological incompatibility with drugs and dihydroergotamine, and other adrenergic and simpatoliticescoe substances. It reduces sleeping pills and anti-hypertensive effects of these drugs.
• Vitamin C is showing incompatible with aminophylline, aqueous solutions of which are alkaline, so the vitamin C is destroyed.
• Nicotinic acid destroys vitamin B1, so they are not recommended to be mixed in the same syringe.

Different pills also better to take separately, to avoid significant side action. Try to always refer to doctors appointments thoughtfully. If several doctors simultaneously prescribed different medication, you should consult a physician or pharmacist, is it a combination of both. You must perform the preparations for compatibility to avoid side effects.

One more important point than the pills. For example, recently found that oral contraceptives should not be mixed with drinks, where the caffeine. This combination decreases the body’s ability to break down caffeine. Antibiotics can not drink milk because the calcium that it contains, forms a medicine soluble compounds.

Grapefruit juice should not be combined with drugs that reduce cholesterol in the blood, as well as with erythromycin, immunosuppressive drugs, anticancer drugs, oral contraceptives, viagra and its counterparts. Cranberry juice is not compatible anticoagulants that reduce blood clotting.

You must remember that during the medication should not drink alcohol. Alcohol is not combined with antihistaminic drugs, tranquilizers, insulin and pills, lowering blood pressure. Antibiotics also cannot be mixed with alcohol. Nitroglycerin under the influence of alcohol is able to change his action, and antipyretics together with alcohol can cause a massive blow to the gastric mucous membrane. Diabetics are particularly dangerous alcohol, as under its influence the blood sugar level can be erratic.

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