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What kind of bread useful during a diet

Какой хлеб полезен во время диетыSix useful types of bread.

It is difficult to imagine a more popular dish than simple sandwiches. We often eat them for Breakfast, take along as a snack or cook at home, when a complete meal is still far, but there are already want.

Most interesting is that the sandwich appears even festive snack, if it with caviar or red fish.

However, for anybody not a secret that many modern research suggests the dangers of such power in the first place because of the bread we use for sandwiches. And you probably noticed how quickly the rounded figure of such food. That is why today we want to offer you a healthy alternative to white bread that will help make favorite sandwiches is not only delicious, but also more useful.

1. Rye bread

Rye bread, or as we used to call him, to black, less nutritious than wheat, and has a low glycemic index. This avoids spikes in blood sugar, due to which we have so often experienced uncontrollable bouts of hunger. In addition, the biological benefits of brown bread is much higher than white. It contains 4 times more vitamins than wheat bread. One of the most useful variants of rye bread is the Pumpernickel, which is made from rye flour, wholemeal leaven.

2. Pete

Pete is Eastern cake made of unleavened dough that you can make an incision and making a semblance of a pocket, stuff anything. For example, very tasty and at the same time is useful to lubricate the cream cheese inside the pita and stuff with chopped vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers or sweet pepper, and lettuce and greens.

3. Bread from sprouted grains

Another great substitute of white bread can become bread made from sprouted grains, the benefits of which many people have probably heard. In its natural form and these grains are very few people like, but in the form of fragrant bread with a crispy crust – is quite another matter. This bread will help to normalize the metabolism, fill you with vitamins, cleanses the intestines from toxins and give you energy and vitality.

4. Bread with seeds

The other useful alternative, which we want to recommend, will bread or small biscuits with seeds, which are ideally suited, for example, to homemade burgers. Seeds included in this bread is rich in plant protein and healthy fats, not will settle on your waist, but it will give you a feeling of fullness.

5. Bread made from buckwheat or barley flour

The main advantage of this bread is the absence (or minimal amount) of the composition of gluten – element, the harm which in recent times there have been disputes. According to scientists, being present in many cereals gluten or simply gluten adversely affects digestion and in many people it even exists intolerance. However, using implicit symptoms, especially at an early stage, to diagnose this disease called celiac disease is quite difficult. Is it worth the risk when you can diversify your diet, replacing wheat bread, for example, buckwheat.

6. Whole wheat bread

This is perhaps the most popular replacement for wheat bread, but before buying such a useful whole-wheat bread, you should remember a few important points. First, watch what is indicated on the package. If you see that the bread is enriched with some additional components, then it is most likely made from wheat flour with added grains and other healthy ingredients. Secondly, whole wheat bread is more dense than white, and therefore, it is enough to press with your finger and see how the name on the package corresponds to the content. Still, it is important that the fiber content of this bread had no less than 5 grams per 100 grams of product.

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