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What is democracy in the modern world?

Что такое демократия в современном мире?

Literally this term means “people”. That is, it is meant that the people ruled himself over themselves. Or gives the right to an elected ruler to control this most people.

In ancient times it was. You see, reader, when the tribe 100-150 people, it is always easier to choose a ruler. Smart, strong, fair and other laudatory epithets.

Even when a city-state like Athens, who at the time of the formation of direct democracy, had a population of a voting population of 50-60 thousand people, and in this case, the population could, without much of conflict to choose the leader.

The idea, of course, good: the people chose, the people expect action, leading to the flourishing of the Polis/the country/state. And well, if the ruler up to these expectations. Then will choose it again and again, and again… And if not?

In Veliky Novgorod and Pskov such a ruler could easily be thrown from office, and to hold kicks. Sometimes, however, invited back as Alexander Yaroslavich, for example. But what has become of democracy today?

The main thesis of the author that the current democracy is a complete democracy, bordering on anarchy, and in its worst manifestation. Agree, when a prominent politician (de mortuis aut bene, aut nihil) tells the people: “Take democracy as much as you can swallow” that is not anarchist is the call? And after all, this was suggested in Russia. The consequences we know.

But the worst thing about modern democracy is the absence of any moral and ethical standards. As, for example, we are told the West: “you Have no rights for gays, it means you are undemocratic country”. What they need special rights? We have every citizen has the right to work, leisure, education, health and social services, protection. Everyone can pass a medical examination and to obtain the right to drive the car for weapons. What special rights they need?

Что такое демократия в современном мире?

The “parades” are held? So we have, sorry, even though the country is a multi-confessional, but the dominant religion is Orthodox Christianity, where “sodomy” is not welcome. As it does in the Christian religion as a whole.

Indeed, we can not just go to the store and buy, say, a carbine. Yes, even ordinary travmatik not (the author has tried, asked a permit to carry). But it’s undemocratic at it! Man wants, and he does not sell, therefore, slighted his law, and it must be fought. Maybe so, but none of the deranged maniac, like Breivik, on the street with the Vintorez does not appear.

That is, modern democracy implies equal rights for all, but, sorry, how can you give the right, suppose, a man that claims to communicate with aliens be given the opportunity to vote in elections, to put behind the wheel of a car, tractor, plane?

Worst of all, only one country has arrogated to itself the right (democratic, of course, way) to decide who is a democracy, and who it is not enough. And the reader has already understood, you are talking about.

The point is that if, in the opinion of this country, you live by their laws, you should bring great achievement of the ancient Greeks. Well, if this achievement is not consistent with the internal structure of the country? If a country lives according to traditional human values? If the country the child has a mother and a father, not parent 1 and 2? If a boy is a boy and a girl it’s a girl, and not some “it” of indeterminate sex?

Что такое демократия в современном мире?

And if elections in the country’s opaque, not all of the party (yeah, who would say, especially now)? Well, then you’re not a democratic country, welcome to our club, as they say.

Democracy is now very selective. She comes to a place where there are geopolitical interests of the major Democrats (or rather, demokratorov) of the planet. Take, for example, poor Libya. What do they say? That power is a tyrant that culture there, but we will give you (videos with Sasha grey, right?), what you do below the poverty line live, although such social programs as it was under Gaddafi, but God forbid anyone. Well, the people, and led, as we of your time in jeans (not a wash), gum (worse than our “Mint” was?) and the promise of “true democracy”, but really didn’t know what it is? Now Libya, there is a bunch of armed gangs, but the “beacon of democracy” in excess oil, gas and almost the world’s largest aquifer, which can be easily blackmailed at least half of Africa.

And in Iraq the same. Power is a tyrant, there is no culture, beer is also no (but there is oil), but they can all be yours. After 13 years, beer has not appeared (Islam after all), but the attacks at least once a week in full growth. Saddam though and with cockroaches was, but the order kept, and that the country needs? Gay pride parades and movies with Schwartz?

But Saudi Arabia. There ruled the king that democracy is not acceptable in principle. Not looked on a woman to 10 lashes at best. The woman behind the wheel without permission of the village? The same thing, if you’re lucky. Entered into relations with a person of your gender? Well, there will definitely be prison, in addition to a few hundred lashes. In short, absolute despotism, Sharia, and other pleasures of the Oriental world.

Even SA is one of the largest owners of oil deposits, actively supports terrorism, as we can see in Syria, and what happens? Where democracy brought on the F-16? And anywhere. This is ally, and important. It can be used to control world oil prices. So let them live by their own laws, it’s their right, but the right is sacred.

As you can see, democracy in the modern world has found a horrifying features. The tyranny of one country, with a Jackal pack of hangers-on, dictating his will to those who is not an ally. It is the destruction of the culture and traditions of those who, not being their doormat, and wants to live by their own values. Of course, men are welcome I use Max Factor, marry each other (and women) who raise foster children in their sodomistsky values, and will give in perpetuity to all their minerals, and areas to boot. In fact this is true democracy, right?..

Author: Valery Usachev

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