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What if the Baltic States would attack Russia?

Что, если на страны Балтии напала бы Россия?

Shook everything shook. Not only Ukrainians are talking about enslaving the plans of Russia but also the Baltic States. After Crimea returned to Russia, among the Baltic States was “rumor”, they say, but what if the attack on us.
Rumors brought to the news, the news led to the polls.

Russia will protect the rights of its citizens and Russian-speakers everywhere, even in other countries. In this case, would make ethnic Russians of Lithuania, “to protect the rights” which would go to tanks and “green men”?

The primary source for such “horror” was the news of the Crimea, which, on assurances of experts from Lithuania, was attacked by “little green men”, tore off a piece of Ukrainian land and with a gun to his temple forced the Crimean people to join Russia. So fed news in countries where, as we have seen, democracy is at the highest level.

The Baltic States are concerned. Not only due to the fact that Russia can repeat that in Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia, but also how in this case will behave in the local Russian-speaking?

Что, если на страны Балтии напала бы Россия?

To implement Russia its objectives in Lithuania, help and loyal to Moscow, the leaders of the Russian-speaking, who call themselves compatriots“, — was said in report of the Department of state security (DGB).

If the country where are these Russian agents of Moscow, refers to them as the worst specimen of humanity, how they should react to it?
Their fate was such that they “settled” in the Baltic States, their is no blame, they were looking for a quiet life for himself and found aggression in relation to itself. Of course, then they will support their country and whether it’s something fantastic? Normal property rights – “rooting” for your home.

Lithuanian experts cite the example of two organizations, supported by Russia – the Center for protection and research of fundamental rights and an Independent centre for human rights. A reasonable question, and what they still must be maintained?

The survey
By order of the Eastern Europe studies Centre company Baltijos tyrimai/ Gallup poll of 500 poles, Russians and representatives of other nationalities at the age of 18-74 years.

A survey conducted in Vilnius, Vilnius district, Visaginas, šalčininkai and Klaipeda, where most of the representatives of national minorities. The survey conducted from 27 June to 12 July 2016.

The majority of respondents (55%) were women, most of all among the respondents were people aged 50-74 years. 46% of survey participants — poles, 35% Russians, 8% — Belarusians, 6% Ukrainians, 2% Jews and 3% other nationalities. The majority of respondents (83%) were born in Lithuania.

For example, 64.8 per cent answered positively to the question they would defend Lithuania, if she was attacked. A higher percentage of positive answer to this question was for those who know the Lithuanian language — read, write, speak Lithuanian (74,6%), those who studied in Lithuanian schools (81.1 per cent), those who married the Lithuanian/Lithuanian, or people with higher education (80.5 per cent).

In 2014 Lithuania was a study of European values, which showed that the country in case of threats ready to defend 57% of the population, in 2005 there were only 32%. But still in Lithuania did not try to specify only the minorities question about the readiness to defend their country. In June and July, a study was conducted in which with the statement that Lithuanian citizens would defend their country in case of aggression more agreed Russian — 65%, in the number of poles was less for 59.9%.

Again, the survey is not aimed at the disclosure of the main question, and to incite.
How to conduct a survey: it seems that sociologists have approached citizens and asked them “are the Lithuanians to defend their country from aggression?”
And then the Russians and the poles who live in Lithuania? Of course they answered in the affirmative: “Yes. Citizens of Lithuania defended their country.”
And the caption-what? What would the Russians and the poles of Lithuania, if the Baltic States were attacked by Russia?
And answers to these questions, none received.

In the matter of defence the Russians have always been more active in the protection, particularly those of younger age who identify themselves with that state. Look at the list of recruits — they go and serve, “said Maciunas.

Apparently, the main thing in this poll is striking the title and the fact that the desired goal was not achieved does not bother anyone. Citizens interviewed, the results received, and then use them at its discretion – as is typical for the country with the best indicator of the level of democracy.

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