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What diseases do you “earn” in the nervous system

Какие болезни можно «заработать» на нервной почвеMany diseases do not occur in a vacuum.

If you often fall into depression after some extreme situations and know firsthand what stress is, then you probably have a couple of serious diseases.

It turns out that many diseases occur in the nervous system.

A nervous TIC

This is a fairly common consequence of frequent nervous feelings. A nervous TIC is characterized by spasmodic movements. Usually it appears suddenly and is repeated periodically. Tics may be an independent phenomenon or a manifestation of some other disease.

Symptoms of nervous TIC is different from its localization. When suffering front part, a person often blinks, rolls his eyes, opens his mouth, moving eyebrows, wrinkle nose, clicks tongue, spits, gritting his teeth.

When TIC occurs in the shoulders – twitching occurs them they can be raised and lowered down, the man rotates his head, nods, stretches his neck.

Also can be the tick of the hands – the man shakes them, clenches his fists, cracks his fingers. The same symptoms occur in the lower part, twitching of the finger and toes of the foot, flexion of knee, sharp footwork.


It is also a consequence of the “nervous” diseases. But at diagnosis it is important to do a thorough analysis to examine the history of diseases and to appoint the neurological examination.


It can be a consequence of strenuous mental work, fatigue, lack of motivation. Also confusion arises from neurological and psychiatric diseases. Cause headaches can and uncontrolled drug intake, alcohol consumption.

A speech disorder

Various speech disorders, problems with logical thinking, and memory – all pretty common symptoms of neurological disorders.

Muscle and joint pain

Neurological disorders are a cause of muscle. To diagnose, doctors usually prescribe the common complete blood count, determination of myoglobin. This diocese rheumatologist.

Chronic fatigue

Asthenia, vitamin deficiencies, heavy labour and other chronic diseases can cause constant fatigue. Most often, acute fatigue occurs on the background of asthenia and activated viral infections.

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