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What diseases can tell red rash

О каких заболеваниях может рассказать красная сыпьRashes on the body or face occur in humans is not rare.

Red skin rash can be a symptom of various skin diseases, some infections (most often children), allergic process, intoxication, caused by various internal factors (e.g., certain chronic diseases with the secretion of toxic products).

Rash occurs in contact with irritants (bacteria, toxins, products of metabolism) in the cells of the skin.

Red rash in infectious diseases

Some infections red rash occurs on the body in patches and papules – small elevations on the skin.
This rash is characteristic of measles and rubella. Thus if the rubella rash pours quite randomly, when measles it begins on the face, then gradually descends down capturing all the new areas of the body. Rashes are usually accompanied by a rise in temperature. In addition, for the characteristic measles catarrhal phenomena – coughing, runny nose and conjunctivitis.

Punctate red rash typical of scarlet fever. This rash can last a few hours, and if it happened at night, the rash will go unnoticed. For scarlet fever is characterized by the appearance of purulent tonsillitis and bright red “raspberry” language, moreover, using some time the whole skin of the patient begins to peel off, and in the field of palms and feet the skin may be separate layers.

A characteristic rash can occur in meningococcal disease. It can also be initially in the form of red papules, but gradually becomes hemorrhagic – in the form of subcutaneous hemorrhages. It begins usually on the lower limbs and gradually rises up. This rash is accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting.

Red rash in allergic diseases

With the appearance of a red rash may first manifest atopic (innate nature) dermatitis in a child. Red spots and papules can then merge them and pop the bubbles that burst, oozing and forming crusts.

Urticaria is a allergic rash in the form of red and pink spots and papules prone to rapid spread and merge together. For this rash is characterized by rapid and sudden onset of this rapid disappearance. But sometimes hives can go into angioedema – swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords, which poses a threat to life. So for urticaria requires supervision and with its rapid growth – emergency medical care.

Red rash in skin diseases

Newborns red papular rash can be a symptom of diaper dermatitis. Most often this is caused by overheating of the child. A rash is dangerous because can join it infection, and abscesses on the skin of a newborn child is very dangerous. Therefore, nappy rash requires observation of a pediatrician.

Dermatitis may be contact that occurs on the skin of any person in contact with a skin irritant agent. Stimulus can be friction, high and low temperature, electric current, solar radiation, ionizing radiation, some chemicals, medicines, plants. Dermatitis is manifested as redness and swelling on the skin. Then the skin can pop the bubbles that burst with the formation of crusts.

Red rash on body may be a manifestation of Demodex mange – a disease caused by a very small skin mite. Thus the skin appears red papular rash which is often associated bacterial infection and pustules appear. There is a very long course of the disease, which is often mistaken for common acne. The appearance of the affected skin is also characterized by: areas of redness and inflammation on it alternating with areas of flaking.

Acne also first is a red papule, but then on top of them appear pustules. With abundant acne on the face, chest and back appear red rash elements and liquid elements, covered with crusts.

When pink lichen is first raised a slight fever and slightly enlarged lymph nodes, and then appears on the skin round the big pink-red spot. After two or three days a pale spot in the center, covered with scales, and the skin under the scales is similar to crumpled tissue paper thin. From mother spot eventually appears smaller subsidiary spots of the same kind, surrounded by rolling edematous skin in the form of medallions. The disease resolves on its own, but suggests that the patient’s immunity is reduced.

A red rash can be a symptom of many other diseases. Sometimes even the doctor difficult to immediately recognize a symptom of what disease is this rash, so you should not treat it yourself, if a rash should call the doctor.

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