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What did the stars before she became famous. Photo

Кем работали звезды до того, как прославились. ФотоTheir lives were not complicated.

Not all celebrities found their calling, many of them had to change the “earthly” profession. Today you will learn how to begin your path of stars, the challenges they had to go on the way to fame and fortune.

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18. Rod Stewart – the grave digger
Legendary British musician in his youth worked at the cemetery gravedigger. In the early sixties, Stewart’s music and to date, his collection of many musical awards, 7 of his albums have climbed to the top spot of the UK Albums Chart, and 62 hit singles 22 included in the top ten.

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17. Ellen DeGeneres/Willie Nelson – selling vacuum cleaners
Once Ellen DeGeneres and Willie Nelson worked in company Hoover produces vacuum cleaners. To increase product sales, future celebrity went home and vacuumed free carpet everyone. Then Ellen was waiting for a successful career of comedic actress and TV presenter, and filmographies 83-year-old Willie has more than 30 roles.

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16. Ashton Kutcher – they took blood, and sweeping floors
To pay for College, the future Hollywood actor was sweeping floors at a General Mills plant, but when the money was not enough, went to donate blood. Training Ashton College ended when he was spotted at the bar, representatives of the local modeling Agency. The first notable role of Kutcher in the movie was the role of Jesse Montgomery III in “Where’s my car, dude?”.

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15. Madonna – the saleswoman at Dunkin’ Donuts
First came to new York, Madonna got a job at Dunkin’ Donuts. But it was quickly fired after she squirted jam into the face of the client. Then Madonna worked coat check and a model at the art Studio. Then she managed to become a member of rock bands, and then a successful solo performer and songwriter.

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14. Brad pitt – the driver and a greeter dressed as a chicken
Brad pitt road to fame was very difficult. To somehow provide for themselves, brad had to work as a driver, carrier, waiter and even the hostess in the chicken suit.

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13. Sandra bullock – the waitress
The winner of awards “Oscar” and “Golden globe” once wanted to become a model in new York, but his career did not work out, and Sandra was forced to work as a waitress. This small income helped bullock to enroll in acting classes.

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12. Steve Carell – the postman
After graduating from Denison University, Steve could not find a normal job, so got a job at the local post office to deliver Newspapers and letters. Later he glorified the role of the shiftless Manager Michael Scott in a TV Comedy “the Office” for which he won the awards “Golden globe and screen actors Guild USA, and was repeatedly nominated for the award “Emmy”.

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11. Lady Gaga – the stripper
The singer herself admitted that at the age of 18 years, he worked in new York strip clubs. Especially the flamboyant star loved the room tore off his black leather outfit. Yet these memories are not so pleasant for the singer, because at that time she was suffering from drug addiction.

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10. Matthew McConaughey – cleaner cells
Matthew McConaughey spent a year in Australia as an exchange student and to earn some money, cleaned chicken cages. But then he waited for the shooting in such successful films as “a Time to kill”, “the Wedding planner”, “How to lose a guy in 10 days,” “Dallas buyers club”, “interstellar”.

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9. Whoopi Goldberg/Danny DeVito – work in the morgue
Before fame these celebrities have worked in morgues, not together, of course. Goldberg was the makeup for the deceased, and DeVito brought your hair for the upcoming funeral.

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8. Jerry Seinfeld selling light bulbs over the phone
At the beginning of his acting career, Jerry has struggled to make ends meet. In 1976, he found a job selling light bulbs over the phone. As recognized actor, he hated his job, because he had to lie and even to sell the product at an inflated price. Now Seinfeld is the richest actor in the history of cinema.

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7. Gwen Stefani – the waitress
Before the group No Doubt and successful solo career Gwen mopping the floors in the diner Dairy Queen. There she met the musicians of his future band.

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6. Sylvester Stallone – cleaner cells
In the beginning of his acting career, Stallone was desperate for money, so was forced to take several part-time jobs. For example, he was cleaning the cages of lions in the Central Park Zoo in new York and received only $1.12 per hour.

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5. Demi Moore – the collector
Hollywood beauty demi Moore grew up in a dysfunctional family. Financial assistance was wait for no one, so she had to leave school. Career demi worked the collector – collected money from debtors. Later, she worked as a model and later started acting in movies.

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4. Harrison Ford
Before acting career, Ford worked as a sports commentator, a carpenter and even a counselor at a summer boy scout camp. Worldwide fame the actor brought the film series “Star wars” and a series of films about Indiana Jones.

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3. Cindy Crawford – cleaned corn
While in College, Cindy got to work in a cornfield, where she was paid only $4 per hour. It was there that she was noticed by the photographer of the local newspaper. And Crawford soon became one of the most successful models of the 90s.

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2. Megan Fox – Barker in the banana suit
Before becoming an actress, Megan Fox worked in a diner and letting visitors in the banana suit. The whole world sexy babe praised the film “transformers” in 2007.

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1. Tim Allen dealer
Future American comedian began her career working at the student radio station and sales of sporting goods, but the money is still not enough. But then Tim decided to go a different “path” – began bringing cocaine across the border. In the late 70’s he was arrested in a Michigan airport with 650-gram package of white powder. To avoid a life sentence, Allen had to take his teammates and friends dealers.

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