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What can you eat with unwashed vegetables and fruits

Что можно съесть вместе с немытыми овощами и фруктамиEight most dangerous parasites living on the fruits and vegetables that are in meat.

All have long known that, if before eating do not wash fruits and vegetables, you can earn a lot of problems. Experts have identified about 24 of the most dangerous parasites. But we will look at 5 of the more harmful of them.

1. Pork tapeworm

This parasite can reach 10 meters in length. He is one of the most of the large tapeworms. In the human pork tapeworm can get with pieces of fried pork meat. After that, the parasite lives in the intestines and gets the nutrients from foods we eat.The most dangerous is if the body will get eggs of the parasite. This can cause cysticercosis – a condition where stomach acid dissolves the egg shell and releases the nuclei, which are distributed to organs and tissues.

Such a state inevitably becomes the basis for the emergence of serious problems associated with the state of the Central nervous system. So, cysticercosis is one of the main causes of epilepsy in poor countries.

2. Tapeworm Echinococcus

The tapeworm reaches only 3-7 mm in length, but becomes the cause of the disease echinococcosis. The causative agent is the larva of tapeworm Echinococcus, which resides in the organisms of hunting dogs, sheep and other farm animals. People usually become infected through contact with animals. Also the eggs of this parasite can enter the human body through food. Most often, echinococcosis is fixed in countries where camels have close contact with dogs. Eggs of this worm is resistant even to sub-zero temperatures.

3. Multi-chamber Echinococcus

This parasitic worm has scattered its geographical distribution – it is found in North America, in Europe (in the Old World it is happening more often). The Echinococcus usually occupies the organisms of various animals: foxes and rodents. Also recorded cases of detection of these parasites in domestic dogs and even cats. Multi-chamber Echinococcus cause in humans, alveolar echinococcosis, which leads to liver, metastases in the brain and other organs. It is not excluded death from the settlement of this parasite. The biggest risk are Fox hunters and people who collect mushrooms and berries – they may be infected from contact them feces of wild animals.

4.Toxoplasma gondii

This single-celled parasite that can live in the body of almost any warm-blooded animal. Usually it’s cats or rodents. This is one of the most common parasites, which is found in most countries.

The rate of infection with Toxoplasma gondii population in different countries varies between 10 and 80%. This parasite is most dangerous to pregnant women: it can penetrate through the placenta and cause pathological changes in the embryo or even to provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women are advised not to clean cat litter.

5. Entamoeba histolytica

This is another instance of a parasitic infection which cause amoebic dysentery. This disease is characterized by diarrhea with blood. Serious health problems may appear during the propagation of the parasite in other organs. So it can be a cause of liver abscess.

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