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What appears herpes on the lips

От чего появляется герпес на губахMany people have experienced the situation when the lips appear an unpleasant rash.

This is not surprising, because the herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores, is very common and can be found in eighty percent of the population. Often he just lives in the human body without causing symptoms.

But if there are signs of the disease, the person raises the legitimate question about how to cure herpes on the lips. After all, in addition to discomfort and discomfort, these rashes raise concerns about their unsightly appearance.

As noted earlier, the herpes simplex virus is in the body, often not revealing themselves. To cause the clinical picture, the protective forces of the human body will be substantially reduced. This can occur as a result of excessive physical strain, nervous strain, prolonged illness, low immunity, or beriberi, which occurs in winter and spring time.

Even before the appearance of rash a person can feel burning and soreness in a certain spot on the lip. Soon there will be vesicles with serous content. These vesicular elements after one or two weeks out, covered with crusts, and then disappear without a trace. The clinical picture is complemented by General weakness and malaise.

To prevent rashes person needs to take care of your immune system, constantly engaged in its strengthening, observe the correct mode of work and rest, avoid stressful situations and stay in too crowded places.

Completely destroy the herpes virus in the body is impossible, because you associate it with human DNA. You can reduce the symptoms and duration of the disease. For this purpose antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and vitamins. Topically, you can apply creams and ointments against herpes. Because of these drugs, recovery occurs within a week after the first symptoms, and the disease becomes easier.

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