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What a rich life?

Что такое богатая жизнь?

It is fashionable to denounce wealth. Or rather, not even wealth itself, and the people who own them. Them accuse of all mortal sins, believing that the better to be as poor as envious and that they are abused.

Do not argue, some truth in such claims social workers have. But who prevents them to work sometimes 18 hours a day, to be in constant tension from the “activities” of various criminal organizations, corrupt, greedy, slow-moving bureaucrats, nosy inspectors, drinking hard workers and lazy “office plankton” ?

I stress that we are not talking about those who have wealth and power gets “inherited” from their parents and relatives. We are talking about people who by their own labor the wealth of his family. These “fidgets” often experience lies in their nature the need to work, and not enriching in any way.

Look around and you will see that not so few people around us, who created a small business, opened a shop, store or cafe. They are not chic, but not bedstuy. Often underdressed, because they have no time to visit, for the theatres or restaurants. But their children, wife and parents are provided with all, unlike children, wives and parents of rogue.

Of course, I have no more idea that my readers slackers and quitters. Many of you are ready to work more and longer, on the condition that they will pay a decent salary.

But, unfortunately, the situation in the economy is such that now many people are willing to work for even lower wages and even a shortened work week, only to be fired “useless”.

And now I would like to say the most important thing that actually prompted me to write this material. Now, in the right of anyone to blame other people, that they live better, but work up a sweat ?

Think about the singers of equality in poverty, will be able to be alive your parents, if you have no money in a cure for them ?!. Can be healthy your children, if you have no money for food for them ?!. And where you can be good friends from being around the same as you, jealous and selfish people ?!.

I think that was right Russian fabulist I. A. Krylov was right when he said the gossips take to work, Not the best eh, godfather, back ?

To illustrate the material I used a photo with currency. Please note that this is not “money millionaires”, and the labour income of the business owner. There are banknotes of 10 dollars and 10 euros. Then there are those bills that are most similar to our banknotes with the denominations of 500 rubles. As you can see, in the small and medium business “From works just not acquire chambers stone”.

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