Home / Business / Western tabloids discuss the stolen intimate photos Dana Borisova

Western tabloids discuss the stolen intimate photos Dana Borisova

The Sun

Dana Borisova clearly did not expect such attention from foreign publications — TV presenter appeared on the pages of the British The Sun, though not for their career achievements. Dana became the heroine of publications half-naked, she is not wanting.

As it turned out, the candid photos were stolen from her personal computer, according to The Sun, it is the work of the former husband of TV presenter Andrey Tishchenko. He hired hackers to hack into the system, mail and erased part of the data, took provocative photos and posted them on the Internet.

On pictures Borisov poses at home in my underwear in candid poses. In addition, published a photo of the blonde, where Dana was posed a few years ago for the cover of Playboy.

But Dana thinks otherwise, and the ex-husband she was not blamed. As admitted the blonde, most likely, is a former young man from the Far East, which does not have a relationship.


Proof of guilt an ex-boyfriend yet, but Dana is going to understand and figure out who needed to publish personal photos online.

Earlier Borisov has complained that lately she has hacked a telephone, both mail and photo archive, and it can be her ex-boyfriend is a cheater.


Their affair ended badly. As told to Dana Borisova, her lover cheated on her and even lived with another.

By the way, a few years ago an ex-boyfriend Borisova already have published candid shots of the presenter. Now they too, walk on the network.

Кроме опубликованных в The Sun, по сети гуляют еще и другие более откровенные снимки Борисовой

Эти скандальные фото прислал в редакцию «КП» несколько лет назад бывший бойфренд Борисовой

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