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Weapons – a guarantee of peace only when you are ready to use it

Russia, Yeltsin’s Russia was weak and helpless, not because I couldn’t protect it inherited from the Soviet Union with nuclear weapons, but because the Kremlin leadership was completely absent the political will to use it. The main opponent of Russia, the United States of America understood this well and had our country as their Washington darling was pleased.

“In the time of Boris Yeltsin’s Russia was even older, but still capable missiles to overcome the U.S. missile defense, however, NATO was a guarantee that Russia does not start even if Moscow will fall enemy missiles,” – says the co-chair of the public movement “people’s Cathedral” Vladimir Khomyakov in conversation with the correspondent of the newspaper “Kolokol Russia.”

And before that, when Gorbachev 80 years, our country lost the opportunity for a powerful technological breakthrough, when it created a huge pool of the most advanced enterprises. They passed on some sectors of the Western competitors, in particular the space of 15-20 years. It turns out that Russia have to face such a misfortune, black stripe, when consistently two people in the Kremlin brought on the” military might of a great country.

To fight with bare hands is impossible, even at high state of mind and preparedness to sacrifice themselves. But most modern weapons becomes a normal piece of iron, if the commander in chief and his staff did not have the political will to use the weapon, and the enemy knows it. That’s why suddenly so afraid of the West, Putin’s Russia? Because it’s inferior to the military power of the Soviet Union, and the military strength of the Federation repeatedly inferior to NATO combined.

According to doctor of military Sciences, President of Academy of geopolitical problems Konstantin Sivkov Russia today even when full mobilization is not able to solve two more armed conflict. And to conduct a local war, which will require to put a million people, it is impossible to do without the use of nuclear weapons. Russian President Vladimir Putin set the regular Armed forces of Russia in the amount of 1 million 885 thousand of 371 people, including 1 million military personnel.

“Russian-made weapons superior to Western counterparts, or at least not inferior to them, but despite that – in the opinion of the military expert and politician, today the military-industrial complex, NATO has the advantage over the Russian. The national economic potential is now less than ten percent from the us, despite the fact that the Soviet Union had eighty percent,”

While Russia may deliver a crushing blow to NATO, undeterred by the loss of their own, the Western countries headed by USA will not dare to commit an act of aggression. It is still good that in the Kremlin there are people with the psychology of the Islamists of the IG. Here they would have made the whole Western world to pay tribute to Russia for all material and moral losses which were suffered by the country since 1991. The West 100 times, it would be advantageous to buy off these figures, than to be destroyed.

Happiness anti-West that Russian military doctrine was and remains defensive. In contrast, the American military doctrine is the strategic installation of offensive nuclear deterrence. Regardless of whether committed aggression against the United States or not, they can use nuclear weapons in a first strike. In the updated Russian military doctrine there is no such situation. Russia permits the use of nuclear weapons only in case of aggression against her.

So, gentlemen, is not good, pray for Putin and take care of him another in its place an Islamic religion already tortured with America and Europe, and you would go in front of him, how the people went before Genghis Khan or Tamerlane quieter water below the grass. But beware test the patience of Putin, if enraged for evermore, and I’m gonna be pissed!

Оружие - гарантия мира только при готовности его применить

Commander of NATO forces in Europe, praised the Russian army and noted the flexibility of the Russian military doctrine.


Source: http://kolokolrussia.ru/geopolitika/v-nato-priznali-chto-proshlyapili-vozrojdenie-rossiyskoy-armii?utm_source=sendpush#hcq=nY5UlSp” rel=”nofollow”>http://kolokolrussia.ru/geopolitika/v-nato-priznali-chto-proshlyapili-vozrojdenie-rossiyskoy-armii?

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