Home / Money / United Russia “will bertaut back” they have adopted the laws.

United Russia “will bertaut back” they have adopted the laws.

Единороссы "вертают взад" принятые ими законы.

Yesterday in the state Duma a bill to extend benefits for the care of the child.
It is proposed to transfer the term from 01.07.2016 01.01.2017 to G. G.

This bill is interesting for the fact that its author was Nikolai Valuev, the Deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation from the faction “United Russia”, member of state Duma Committee on physical culture, sports and youth Affairs in the past the famous Russian boxer .

Well, it is gratifying that the voice of residents of the Chernobyl zone, including the Tula region was heard by the deputies. But of interest is the authorship of the project. Such a biased person Nikolay Valuev inspires confidence and hope that the bill will become law and pregnant women by 7-8 month quietly give birth to children and they will receive the required payments. But to survive to future mothers is extremely contraindicated.

The bill also joined the sponsors, the deputies of the faction “United Russia” B. K. Balashov, N. And.Wrestlers.

All three of the relevant Committee of the State Duma on labor, social policy and veterans ‘ Affairs.

What about the promises of the opposition factions KPRF and SR? How do the promises of Yulia Tymoshenko and Veprintseva the efforts of social activists, who developed their own bill .
Or this move is populism and PR campaign of the majority party.
Is no other specialist in the field of social sphere decided not to sign a high-profile project and to go against the leadership of the party line, but rather financial and economic block of the government.

Will not suffer if Nikolai as well as the ex-Governor Vladimir Sergeevich Gruzdev whose accounts of Vneshprombank unexpectedly “burned” millions of dollars.
Although Valuev is not to be trifled. Can and in “the tower” left hook to obtain).
Time will tell.

And while we Express our sincere thanks to Nicholas S. for his bold and necessary initiative and are waiting for political decisions aimed at stabilizing the welfare of young mothers and children.

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