Home / Medicine / Unexpected irritants that can cause allergies

Unexpected irritants that can cause allergies

Неожиданные раздражители, способные вызвать аллергиюThe strangest allergens that are invisible harm to the body.

Everyone knows that the most common allergens are pollen, dust, pet dander, peanuts. But you’d be surprised about some of the stimuli, be it food or environmental substances that cause allergic reactions in many people.

Allergic reaction occurs when the body does not recognize a particular substance, and tries to get rid of it. The immune system creates special white blood cells, called antibodies, to defend against this obvious threat as she fights an infection or illness. So symptoms of allergies: swelling, itching, runny nose and wheezing, rash.

Usually, people are born with a genetic predisposition to allergies, but scientists do not know exactly why and how healthy people can appear allergic to specific things. Moreover, many stimuli “quiet” harm the body, causing minimal symptoms of allergies that people often ignore.

1. Decoration
Some inexpensive jewelry silver shade is often covered with Nickel – one of the most harmful allergens that cause inflammation of the skin with prolonged contact. More than 17% of women and 3 % of men are allergic to Nickel.
Also allergies can cause sterling silver and 14-Karat gold. Although this Allergy is quite rare. Although dermatologists and immunologists say that the wearing of gold jewelry and heavy makeup can lead to inflammation on the skin. This is due to the reaction of gold on certain components of cosmetics. That reaction is enough to wear gold ornaments on the neck and ears for 6-8 hours.

2. Phones and tablets
Recently, quite a are common asthma without apparent reason. Scientists believe that the case in allergic to gadgets. That is not the technique, of course. Simply, many people suffer from allergies to certain alloys of metals and not even know it. If the production of the gadget was used a similar alloy, that most people with allergies will often get a rash on hands, asthma attacks and headaches with prolonged contact with the allergen.

3. Buttons on jeans
And again harms us Nickel. In the manufacture of standard metal buttons for jeans often use a Nickel. People who wear underwear with low rise metal can act directly on the skin and cause small circular rash in the abdominal area.

4. Leather
Many people are allergic to the skin, but some types of material can cause Allergy symptoms and harm to health. It’s all in the chemicals and spetssredstva, which is treated leather. So do not be surprised if new belts or leather jackets, you will have inflammation of the skin, itching and red spots.

5. Books
Stores with used books, and public libraries can be identified by their distinctive odor. Books from these places can cause a runny nose and even asthma in people allergic to dust. And Yes, this reaction can be home books, if you are too often wipe the bookshelves.

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