Home / Economy / Ukrainians will be without milk, in autumn the price will rise by 20%

Ukrainians will be without milk, in autumn the price will rise by 20%

Украинцы останутся без молока, осенью цена вырастет на 20%


“European integration starts to bear fruit, apart from price hike in utility tariffs, the Ukrainians are waiting for the next rise in price of food this autumn. First in line for the price increase are milk and meat, this is due to many interconnected factors, first and foremost significant influence is the devaluation of the hryvnia and as the dollar continues to rise, it is impossible to predict at what level prices will stop and will stop, if at all, given the state of the Ukrainian economy.

Milk producers predict a price increase of 15-20% for milk and dairy products in the next few months. Significantly reduced the volume of incoming milk processing enterprises up to 10%. Now to feed cattle farmers use more remnants of last year’s grain harvest, but when reserves run out, you have to use the grain this crop year, which will also affect the cost of milk and meat.

Yeah, hard times to come waiting for the bright “European future” of Ukrainians, but if the IMF will allocate the next tranche, it’s hard to say where it will end and it seems that is not allocated. Will remain gastroenerology without milk and meat, and followed no other important products, in addition to “patriotism” and empty promises nothing can offer the Ukrainian government to its population. A couple of years or sooner, the Ukrainians will curse “revolution gidnost”, “warriors of the world”, Bandera and the “Maidan” government, poverty and ruin will be a payback for your confidence and lack of common sense.

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