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Ukrainian passion: Shakespeare rest

Украинские страсти: Шекспир отдыхает


The twists of Ukrainian subjects and the depth of the drama will be envied by any author. No one, not even the most notorious “patriot” is not immune from the label “zradnika”. Even if he personally threw “Molotov cocktails” in the Berkut officers on the Maidan and urged the millions to burn out dissent on the ground, anyway, sooner or later comes their turn, become “enemies of Ukraine”:
Mariupol volunteer Lily Bolbat (also known as Liliya Ukrainian) left the city due to threats. About this in his Facebook said the husband of Lily Ivan Bolbat.

“For more than two years of volunteer activities were many including threats, but such danger as now we have not felt, therefore, temporarily had to leave the city,” he wrote.

Threats against volunteers began to arrive because of a post on Facebook in which Lily Bolbat reported on the crimes of some members of APU and dobrobatov. As a result, many began to accuse of a volunteer in aiding Russia. Now her village in the social network closed. At the same time other volunteers stood up to volunteer, calling the accusations against her are unfounded.

Earlier Bolbat said that among the participants of the ATO in the Donbas were not only patriots, but criminals pursuing their purpose of profit, opportunity to commit the robbery, to engage in kidnapping and murder. “To tell you how a dozen military stole a young girl and 10 days she was raped until the baby died? As retarded on the roads every road car and took people’s tribute. People kept in the basement and beaten, demanding money, was involved in raider attacks”, – the volunteer wrote.

Review. Beskompromissnost, a game of passion, wealth of imagery…. And what characters: Kostya Grishin in the role of Semyon Semenchenko, Ruslan Abalmaz (Onishchenko nee) in the role of battalion “Shakhtersk”, Aleksandr Muzychko in the role of Sasha Bilogo, and Petro Poroshenko in the role of Yanukovych… And they are all looking for “zradu” or “zrada” finds them. But behind the scenes hundreds more, yet unknown actors waiting for their role, beautiful, bright, and … short, like the flight of a bullet or the verdict of the court.

That’s the time to stock up on popcorn … to wait for autumn.

Here’s how this raccoon.


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