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Ukraine delays the process of clearance

Украина затягивает процесс разминирования

Many European countries are easily parted with the money intended for Ukraine. Funds million equivalent are typically allocated to good causes. But alas, how many would not get the money, long-suffering, they are deposited in tightly Packed pockets of the Ukrainian authorities.

The Netherlands announced that they will allocate 45 million euros for the demining project for the territories of 13 countries, including Ukraine. Essentially, mine is a surefire way to elicit a certain amount of money. For good reason, Ukrainian politicians every time when it comes to this process, subtly hinting that it will take at least 15 years, and that money is needed to do. European leaders silently agree, the point is, in fact, important and not urgent, therefore, on the Ukrainian accounts periodically receives some amount which unfortunately disappear in an unknown direction.

More recently, an analyst of the Ukrainian center for independent political research Vitaliy Martynyuk lamented the fact that resources are sorely lacking, and that the amount claimed on the clearance listed in the 10 billions of euros, even compared with the square of the Balkan countries. As for the areas that are “contaminated,” then, according to experts, it is in total 30 Hectares.

It is not first aid for Ukraine clearance. Not so long ago some of the work already carried out in this direction, accordingly, the EU money. But, apparently, mine were only words. In fact Vsushniki continue to be undermined on their own mines that they “carefully” installed for two years.

Another important aspect on which I would like to stay. When it comes to money for demining, the Ukrainian authorities a lot to ask, given the vast territory in which they include the entire Donbass. But the East is known as Ukraine controlled only partially, and therefore of the amount would be quite enough to clear the territory is still owned by square. But the things are there as a cash cow, which blindly transfers the money to a good cause…

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