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U.S. elections: Obama voted in favor of Hillary Clinton

Выборы в США: Обама отдал свой голос в пользу Хиллари КлинтонThe US President urged not to be fooled by rhetoric trump.

President Barack Obama announced that early voting for the election of the next leader of the country cast a vote for the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

The words of the American President is quoted by the newspaper The Los Angeles Times.

“I voted for Hillary Clinton because I am absolutely confident that when she is President, our country will be in good hands,” Obama said at a rally in Ann arbor, Michigan. “I know Hillary Clinton, she dedicated her life to making our country better,” he added.

The current President has urged citizens not to be “fooled” rhetoric of the rival Clinton — Republican nominee Donald trump. According to Obama, voters will have to make a choice between the politics of division and policies that will make Americans stronger.

“I want you to just focus. I ask you to believe me…” – said Obama.

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