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Trump is ready to use nuclear weapons?

Трамп готов применить ядерное оружие?

Which month his statements about the atomic bomb are inconsistent and frightening. But is it really just words?

War is too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military”. Clemenceau (Georges Clemenceau) was certainly right when he applied in 1884 in these words to General Boulanger (Georges Boulanger). However, when it comes to Donald trump, it is better to say the opposite: nuclear weapons are too serious a thing to entrust to any civilian. The candidate from Republican party on forthcoming presidential elections in the United States led U.S. military experts to the confusion, to put it mildly, inappropriate statements about nuclear weapons. They could easily get lost among the other antics of the tycoon, who bring him the enthusiastic support of the supporters, all the more caustic remarks of the leadership of the Republican party and the decline of popularity among undecided voters.

The headquarters of the candidate from Republicans immediately denied, and cited the Advisor never showed up. However, the talk about strategic gaps trump are not new. So, in a television interview he mentioned the use of tactical nuclear weapons against the Islamic state: “I’m not ruling anything out. ISIS shoots at you, but you will not be protected by nuclear weapons? Then why bother to create it?”

Bombing Europe

If this weapon can be used in the middle East, why not in Europe? “Europe is quite big.” Means: to be poisoned-not the whole continent. In addition, the candidate of the Republican party felt that the US should not intervene if threatened by someone from their European NATO allies. The question arises, what is worse: the omission of America under the trump or her readiness for a nuclear strike?

In any case, one lesson he had learned: to hold the enemy in suspense, as in negotiations on a large contract: “I never rule anything out. Even if I don’t want to [use nuclear weapons], I will not say this. Let him [the enemy] think that I’ll use it. I was against the war in Iraq. And would be the last person to use him.” About Iraq, by the way, it’s not so simple. As shown by the test of the American experts, trump, overall, was for the war before it began in March 2003 and against after she gained momentum.

However, he obviously has no clue about American nuclear doctrine, its changes over the past decades and the principle of deterrence (nuclear weapons created in order for it not to apply). Obama soon after he became President said in the Prague speech about the need for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. By the end of the mandate, it still changed this utopian worldview on the principle of non-use of these weapons first.

American observers said that the decision on nuclear strike is made by the President as the Supreme commander, and only to them. In the case, which is the clock accompanying the President officer, are codes. The President read it to the General of the Pentagon and orders the use of weapons. The decision does not imply a mandatory prior discussion and democratic control. It is taken alone.

Same is the case in France, noted Jean Guisnel (Jean Guisnel), Bruno Tertre (Bruno Tertrais) in the book “the President and the bomb”. The President is the only one who has the right to make a decision, “master of bombs”. This is a necessary condition for rapid response and effective deterrence. “Terrible reality and constant anxiety,” as said de Gaulle.

Hence the answer is Hillary Clinton on the ill-considered statements of the enemy: “you can’t trust nuclear Arsenal is the one who goes mad over tweet”. “In a tense situation I’m surprisingly calm,” — said in response to trump. The whole world is now anxiously wonders whether American voters to take a chance.


However, it gave his opponents far too convenient an opportunity to highlight the incompetence and blatant ignorance trump strategic and international issues. To the question about where he drew his knowledge in this area, he said, from the TV series.

Last week in the morning program on channel MSNBC presenter Joe Scarborough (Joe Scarborough) spoke about a conversation with one unnamed Advisor to Donald trump on foreign policy. According to him, a few months ago during the time of the meeting, the trump several times asked him this question: “If we have nuclear weapons, why not use it?” “Such statements scare friends and provoke enemies”, — said came to transfer to Joe Scarborough General Michael Hayden (Michael Hayden), the head of the CIA under bill Clinton and George Bush.

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