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To Putin’s arrival in Kazan enterprises are looking for fans of judo

К приезду Путина на казанских предприятиях ищут фанатов дзюдо

A curious document was in the “Evening Kazan”: this is an order issued by CJSC “Niiturbokompressor them. V. B. Economies”, requiring the staff of the Institute to act as fans at the championship of Europe on judo which will pass in Kazan from 21 to 24 April and who is scheduled to visit Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Under this order, signed by the CEO of the company and its Union leader, during the championship, every day from 13.00 to 20.00, at the stadium “Tatneft-arena” for judoists should be sick thirty-two employees. Is in order and “razblokirovka” – from what unit many people have an urgent obligation to love Japanese martial art. If the employee belongs to several cool this sport, consolation should be the fact that the day held in “Tatneft-arena”, the enterprise counted him as a worker with pay. In that case, if a comrade suddenly the stadium will be (and to follow this strictly!) or without a valid reason will run away from the competition before the set time, wages for him, alas, for that day will not overcharge. Well, you won’t be fined!

After reading this order immediately remembered the events before the Universiade-2013, when it became clear that free tickets are literally packs were distributed to employees of enterprises and organizations, to create the illusion of total dedication Kazantsev student competitions, and they do not come, and tickets are not given to anyone. But true sports fans are unable to get to where I wanted. And fainted, without standing queue at the ticket counter. There were enterprising people who traded their “penetrations” on speculative prices, however, were in high demand only the tickets for the ceremony of opening and closing of the Universiade.

Covered righteous anger – say, how so, again, the facade, – the correspondent of “Evening Kazan” asked Niiturbokompressor, where the Chairman of the trade Union Committee Eugene Busarev explained that the devil is not so, that is an order, as we thought. First of all the employees asked — who wants to go to judo competitions in the framework of the allocated quota. Then again asked — does someone from relatives or friends of employees to go there, for among the workers there were ardent opponents of judo and some tickets remain unclaimed. And only then already made a list. Therefore, as assured provider, about any coercion cannot be and speeches, and among the staff there are really people who are sincerely interested in the battles on the Mat.

The question of who pulled them “ukazivka” to ensure the turnout of fans for the championship on the judo, Busarev said that the orders come from the factory “Kazancompressormash”, which, like Niiturbokompressor, is part of the engineering holding JSC “HMS Group” and holding, in turn, is the General partner of Federation of judo of Russia. And indeed, the site of the championship kzn2016.com it is written about it. By the way, among partners, but Federation of judo of Tatarstan, on the site of WHAT is holding “Helicopters of Russia” in General and the Kazan helicopter plant in particular. So, probably, LSC also issued a similar order about a temporary retraining of the employees in professional (paid for) fans.

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