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To fly and not be afraid. The safest airlines in the world

Летать и не бояться. Самые безопасные авиакомпании мира

After the crash in Rostov-on-don: FlyDubai airliner on the Internet there were suggestions that the Arab airline has paid insufficient attention to security issues. However, no documentary evidence. “Ribbon.ru” have studied the list of the safest airlines in the world and found out what flight carriers to fly not scary.

The most authoritative in the world of aviation in the last 13 years is an annual ranking of the German research company Jacdec. When preparing a Safety Index experts analyze data on all accidents in the past 30 years (the last rating was taken into account the data of accidents that have occurred since 1986). A significant role is also played and the performance of security audit of international organizations IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).

The later disaster struck, the more weight it has in the calculation of the relative position in the ranking. All in all, the drafters of the Safety Index takes into account eight parameters. Take into account the passenger traffic, the number of victims in all the incidents and the number of completely lost or destroyed aircraft. An important role is played by the so-called serious incidents — refers to landing with failed engine, other damage and rolled out beyond the runway (runway).

The position of the airline in the rating improves with every full year without a single incident. The last parameter that guided the compilers of the index — rating of the country that owns the airline. He, in turn, is based on the transparency of the actions of regulatory authorities, investigating an aircraft accident.

Need to mention that FlyDubai in the list of the safest carriers in the world. However, it is not because of any aviation incident, but because of the too short history: experts do not consider it possible to rate this company, established in 2009. However, until March 19 the only incident of the company dated January 2015 — then EN route from Dubai Boeing 737 fired at while landing at Baghdad’s airport. The crew was able to land the plane, damage was avoided.


In February, there was published another Safety Index by 2016. Like a year ago, it was headed by Hong Kong carrier Cathay Pacific Airways (rating-2014, he ranked second). Security index companies (the smaller the better) is 0,006.

Летать и не бояться. Самые безопасные авиакомпании мира

Photo: dmediapro / Depositphotos

Only in the last 30 years the incident the carrier was a hard landing at the airport of Hong Kong in 2010. Then because of the poor quality of fuel the pilots of the Airbus A330 took off from Surabaya (the second largest city in Indonesia), are unable to fully control the traction motors. As a result airliner landed at high speed, and has received considerable damages, however anybody from passengers and crewmen has not suffered.

In 1972, Cathay Pacific Airways lost a plane Convair 880 flying from Bangkok to Hong Kong, then on Board the ship exploded hidden in a suitcase bomb. The death toll from a plane that crashed near the Vietnamese town of Pleiku, was 81.

In addition, in 1948, the Cathay Pacific Airways plane was hijacked by terrorists. The attack is the first such case in the history of commercial aviation. The capture was attended by four criminals, shortly after takeoff they killed the pilot. As a result, the plane crashed in a river Delta in China’s Guangdong province, has killed 26 people. The only survivor was the leader of the terrorists.

Летать и не бояться. Самые безопасные авиакомпании мира

Photo: zhuzhu / Depositphotos

Second place for the second consecutive year goes to Emirates (code: 0,007). In the history of the Arab carrier was only two serious incidents. In 2004 Airbus A340 skidded off the runway during takeoff at the airport of Johannesburg. No one was injured, however the plane was shot down 25 of the approaching lights, resulting in four punctured tires and damaged the fuselage.

In 2009, another Airbus A340 touched a few lights at the end of the runway in Melbourne. The plane took off, but the crew decided to return because the liner sustained only minor damage.

From Russia, Emirates operates flights to UAE, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles and Bali, and thanks to a codeshare agreement with S7 connections is possible from more than 30 cities.

Летать и не бояться. Самые безопасные авиакомпании мира

Photo: rebius / Depositphotos

The top three — and also for the second year in a row closes EVA Air (index: 0,008), the second largest airline of Taiwan.

Founded in 1989, during its existence, it did not allow a single serious incident. A small accident-owned Eva Air Boeing 747 occurred in 2012 in the United States: during taxi the pilots miscalculated the trajectory and touched the wing of the American Eagle.

In may 2015, the carrier received an anonymous call about a bomb planted on Board the Boeing 777, which at that moment was flying from Taiwan to Los Angeles. Immediately after landing, a thorough inspection of the aircraft, but no explosives were found. In January 2016 EN route from Los Angeles to Taiwan flight made an unplanned landing in Sapporo: one of the passengers needed an emergency medical assistance.

In Russia Eva Air does not fly.

The ten leaders are Qatar Airways (index: 0,009), Hainan Airlines (0,010), KLM (0,010), Air New Zealand (0,011), Etihad Airways (0,013), Japan Airlines (0,015) and TAP Portugal (0,015).

Security in Russia

Летать и не бояться. Самые безопасные авиакомпании мира

Photo: andreevaee / Depositphotos

The only Russian airline, one of the top 60 safest in the world — Aeroflot. The main Russian carrier is a 36-th line of the rating (0,106). For comparison: roughly the same rating at the Italian Alitalia (0,110), but the French Air France (0,129) and the American American Airlines (0,139) “Aeroflot” lose.

Previously in the top 60 also included “Transaero” — in the past year the airline has even hit the top twenty ranking, finishing in 17th place with an index of 0.024.

Other indexes

Летать и не бояться. Самые безопасные авиакомпании мира

Photo: Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images

Safety rating of airlines is also another reputable research company Skytrax.

The most famous product of the British is a monthly ranking of punctuality of carriers (it regularly gets Russian airline S7).

A comprehensive assessment gives a Quality Rating that is updated in real time. In Skytrax emphasize that they do not give estimates based security information on incidents, as they believe that such an assessment is always subjective. It may not reflect the actual state of things, as is often the carrier representatives are not responsible for the accident.

In the analysis of security experts Skytrax analyze the observance of safety standards by the airline staff, as well as attend corporate courses, where crews work out practical actions in emergency situations. In this case, no separate index at Skytrax no, but safety is taken into account when compiling Quality Rating.

In the Quality Rating of the places are not ranked, instead, the airline is assigned a rating from one to five stars. Now in the list of five-star carriers consists of seven airlines: Cathay Pacific Airways (Hong Kong), ANA All Nippon Airways (Japan), Asiana Airlines (South Korea), Garuda Indonesia (Indonesia), Hainan Airlines (China), Singapore Airlines (Singapore) and Qatar Airways (Qatar).

Russian S7 and “Aeroflot” in the beginning, the airline “Russia” — two.

Arab low-cost carrier FlyDubai, whose plane crashed in Rostov-on-don, the Skytrax rating.

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