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This spice will help to regain good vision

Эта специя поможет вернуть хорошее зрение Saffron is a spice that is considered one of the oldest and most revered in the world.

Not to be confused with the Indian saffron, a name that used to refer to food coloring of turmeric. Real Kashmiri saffron is a unique natural component that is able to strengthen the photoreceptors of the eye, to restore their lost elasticity and protect from exposure to bright light.

How to consume this miracle to regain good vision will tell you this simple recipe:


1 g saffron Kashmiri,
– 1 tbsp. water.


1. Boil water.
2. Add the saffron, remove from heat and cover.
3. Allow broth to cool to room temperature.
4. Add honey to taste.
5. Daily drink a glass of saffron tea before bedtime.

In addition to restoring vision, the healing properties of saffron helps to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, a beneficial effect on concentration and memory

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