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This product will help prevent cancer

Этот продукт поможет предотвратить рак Useful than maple syrup.

Maple syrup is a wonderful natural product given to the world by ancient Indian tribes.

About the beneficial properties of maple syrup.

What is maple syrup

Maple syrup is among natural sweeteners. It is made from the SAP of the maple, the collection of which is held in the spring. Natural product is a thick viscous liquid amber color with a distinctive earthy taste. In this case, the sugar content in the finished product can reach 60%.

Scientists say that maple syrup contains more minerals and less calories than most varieties of honey.

The beneficial properties of maple syrup

Use maple syrup is to its rich composition. It is known that the product contains 54 natural antioxidant, and many minerals such as zinc, manganese, and calcium.

Maple syrup has anti-bacterial properties and also prevents in the body of cancer cells and development of heart disease. One of the main advantages of the product over other sweeteners is a small amount of oxalates and purines, substances that cause allergies.

Numerous medical studies have confirmed that one spoonful of syrup contains 20% of the daily dose of manganese. Thanks to the high concentration of zinc, a favorite treat of Canadians will help to prevent atherosclerosis.

This product is often called sweet aid the immune system. Being a natural source of manganese and zinc maple syrup strengthens the immune system. Use of syrup in its ability to affect male reproductive health. The minerals contained in the syrup, serve as a catalyst for fatty acids and cholesterol, but also affect the production of male sex hormones.

How to choose maple syrup

Quality maple syrup is recommended to check on three criteria: color, consistency and taste. When buying, pay attention to the fact that the product was not too runny. If possible, try to smell or taste the syrup. The hallmark quality of the syrup is soft touch of wood. Consider this when choosing the product and don’t forget to keep an open jar of maple syrup is needed in the refrigerator.

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