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This product reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease

Этот продукт снижает риск диабета и болезней сердца Scientists have proven that chocolate is very healthy.

Scientists from the UK and Luxembourg has conducted a new study which concluded that daily consumption of a small amount of chocolate reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. This is stated in an article published in the journal British Journal of Nutrition.

It is noted that in the study, experts analyzed data 1153 persons aged 18-69 years. Scholars interested in how chocolate consumption affects insulin resistance, raising the risk of diabetes of the 2nd type and heart disease. Also they evaluated the impact of chocolate on the production of liver enzymes, decreased liver function.

Approximately 81% of the participants consumed the chocolate, an average of 24.8 g per day. Compared to those who ate chocolate regularly, fans of the sweets had reduced insulin resistance and elevated levels of liver enzymes.

The higher the level of consumption of chocolate, the more pronounced this relationship. The results remained the same even after accounting for factors such as age, gender, education, lifestyle and nutrition.

As scientists have assumed, perhaps, strengthen the impact of chocolate on reducing cardiometabolic risk associated with the development of diabetes, heart disease and stroke, the consumption of tea and coffee, rich in polyphenols.

The data also showed that participants who ate chocolate, had been physically more active, younger and had higher education level compared to those who do not consume this product.

I should add that the most useful is the dark chocolate, which has a high content of cocoa. This means that it has a lot of antioxidants that protect cells from damage.

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