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This popular product will save you from high blood pressure

Этот популярный продукт спасет от высокого давленияOne way to resist the development of hypertension is the use of bread.

Experts from Boston found that regular consumption of bran bread containing whole grains can reduce the threat indicators of hypertension.

Doctors once again reminded that properly baked bread is a product which do not be afraid.

Many people these days refuse bread, believing it to be harmful for the figure product. However, according to scientists, eating bread is necessary, its use contributes not only to the normalization of the bowel, but also indirectly affects the normalization of the pressure.

The staff of the Harvard school of public health in Boston, USA, analyzed data collected in the course of the research, which lasted a total of 18 years. Only specialists have studied data on the health status of more than 51 thousands of men aged 40 to 75 years. As a result, doctors have established a pattern – those people who regularly eat bread made from raw grain, less likely to manifest hypertension. In General, the bread lovers of the risk of hypertension by 19% less.

Nutritionists have calculated that to reduce the potential risk of hypertension, should eat at least 85 grams of raw grain per day. Note that whole wheat bread is not the first time showing the healing properties the scientists. Earlier, the Swedish researchers said that this bread can reduce insulin secretion, protecting the organism against the development of insulinrezistentnost and related diseases – type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

However, experts note that not every bread, which is marked with the manufacturers as a product with bran, and brings tangible health benefits. For example, bread made from white wheat flour with added bran hardly can be considered useful.

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