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This diet is fast and will save you from extra pounds

Эта диета быстро и надолго избавит вас от лишних килограммNutritionists claim that protein diet is the best way to lose weight for those who are not yet 40 years old and who is not capable of eternal starvation.

An effective way to lose weight – protein diet.

Combined with exercise it gives a positive result in a short time, and most importantly – the extra weight is not returned. If you’re tired of countless diets, succumb to a fitness club , but no result, then this diet is for you.

It is possible to eat any types of meat diet (crostini, chicken), fish and seafood, cheese, yogurt with low fat in unlimited amounts at any time of the day. Exclude from the diet should uglevodosoderzhaschie, starchy foods, starchy foods, fats are used in limited quantities.

The Breakfast need to sign two or three tablespoons of bran. About their useful qualities in detail here. They clean the body, prepare it to the diet will provide energy for the first half of the day.

For lunch you can cook any meat diet, preferably all products bake or cook. Frying is not recommended. For dinner to cook fish. You may eat two boiled eggs a day, nuts of different kinds.

Three days later in the diet you can add fresh vegetables that you need to eat through the day. After fifty days you can eat vegetables every day, add one piece of fruit a day and one to two times a week to eat any meals (including uglevodosoderzhaschie).

Be sure one day to do all protein. So you need to eat about a hundred days, and then gradually move to the usual food. Although by the time your eating habits will change, you’ll never want to eat junk food.

For best effect you need to combine diet with regular exercise, Hiking (at least half an hour a day). You need to drink plenty of water, but some products should be discarded forever. This is alcoholic beverages, fried and flour products.

Observing all recommendations for short term and long to get rid of excess weight, greatly improve health, to get a slim trim figure and excellent appearance.

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