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These people are among us. Can a war for democracy to go to global mayhem



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The reaction that the post of chief politics on Earth took a Donald trump-like shock — for somebody happy, for someone is terrifying. It is almost divided not only America but the whole world into two camps: progressive and conservative minority by the majority. Now the people of the progressive minority trying to figure out whether to wait for them riots by the conservative majority, and in any case prepared to them.

Who are these people — the same silent majority that chose trump? So disappointed conditional progressive minority? Moreover, if we assume that the number literal voices of Americans who filed for trump and Clinton, both specifically in the States almost equally. In contrast to Russia.

Has been called the electorate of Donald trump in the post-election Analytics — the rednecks, the poor (despite the fact that, on average, voted for the billionaire to have higher income than the voters, Hillary Clinton), the voice of the villages, uneducated chauvinists.

The people who supported Clinton, rejecting political correctness, seems to be one of their highest moral values, is now arrogantly ask: do these people among us? How did this happen?


America, the country is a benchmark of democracy in the consciousness of humanity (of which because of this, considers her a role model, and the other is the devil incarnate on Earth), struggling to digest the fruits of this democracy, which turns out to be able to choose a President. Hence, the Portland riots, and the petition to the electors with the actual requirement not to allow trump to the presidency.

Hence, widespread in the Russian segment of Facebook letter of the daughter and wife of the famous American writer and producer of the TV series by Aaron Sorkin. He tries in his letter to Express the feeling of the progressive liberals from the disaster that has befallen America. But at the same time, quite in the spirit of the speeches of the trump and its constituents calls the 45th US President (and his supporters) pig and subhuman. Give him (and the people who chose him) the right to vote only on the grounds that, in his opinion, this voice is wrong.


Opponents of trump, who promised that his coming to power will start the cycle of violence against the person themselves picked up the stones and went to smash shops. And it is also a test for democracy.

Democrats for democracy, but were not for this. And this is a very important problem not only for America but also for Russia. And, more broadly, for the whole world. Because now it seems that the disease of the Russian society, has long diverged on the two warring camps, in fact, universal.

We are seeing signs of a Grand neoconservative turn, attacks on the global liberal world of transnational Commerce and social networking on the part of people who don’t keep up with the future and, moreover, do not want to keep up with him. They pull back a progressive society, a clear and predictable past.

Social progress, and especially mental evolution once again woefully behind the technological progress. We must remember that the neo — conservative revolution-is including reaction to the too rapid evolution mediamira. The faster technology develops, the more is people wanting to “stop time”.

There is reason to believe that we are waiting for disasters comparable in scale with the turmoil of the Middle ages or even the beginning of our era.

Brexit and trump, IG and spiritual ties to Russia — only fragments of this vision of the future of a beautiful new world.

And people have to try to survive new challenges, not killed each other.

The worst thing you can do in this situation, all involuntary participants in the process, is to consider opponents with their other queries in the future nedolyudmi who steal from normal people loose their bright future.




There is no stronger way to discredit the very idea of democracy, equality, humanity and mercy, than the war for democracy, turning into global mayhem.

Meanwhile, the neoconservative revolution is not something particularly shameful regression, which makes the emerging future it will become a universal happiness of mankind. Humanity has never been definitely happy times. But there were many tragedies and disasters, awareness of the scale which used to come only in hindsight, after the rivers of blood spilled.

Yes, there is the moment of inertia of ordinary people, which is scary and uncomfortable to get used to a new reality. But in their position, probably, is that conservatism, which allows a person to sometimes stop and ask: do I need it new just because it’s new? Because my old is a proven old, not just obsolete.

If the loser in those elections of the President of the United States consider themselves more intelligent, the more they must try to understand the motives of the winners. Not only from the information chaos of social networks, but also from a deep domestic, national, mental problems of dissatisfaction with the current state of things arises the desire for simple solutions. In fact, the attraction to people like trump is not only a revolt against the elite (in fact the trump is undoubtedly a man of the American elite, not only from political, but from the business side). It is also the desire to put in power a man who in the minds of the silent majority and he is cool, loves beauties, rich, starred in movies, and even promises to solve all problems in just a snap of a finger.


He succeeded in his life — work with the country, I think the voters trump. Or just bite your thumb at the elite that has long ruled the country and got them out.

However, it is precisely in such moments becomes clear to the accuracy of the classical definition of democracy by Winston Churchill: “democracy is the worst form of government except all the others”.

Democracy gives the opportunity for the silent majority to change the world peacefully. But opponents of this coup is legal to protest against this victory. It’s important to stay within the boundaries of peaceful protest and losers, and winners.

Time for a new liberal twist will come when (and if) when the neoconservative revolution will not find these simple solutions, so I hope the voters trump.

The elite and the common people, “simple” and “complex” people is the different parts of the same political, civil and social organism. Besides, the past never returned to the form in which it was before, and what seems perfect to his fans.

Victory trump, perhaps the beginning of a new Chapter in the history of mankind, but certainly not the end of the world.

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