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Therapeutic exercises for the back muscles and spine

 Лечебная гимнастика для мышц спины и позвоночникаExercises to strengthen back muscles.

Regular exercises for strengthening back muscles allows you to less tired and strain, prevents scoliosis, helps form correct posture.

Strong back muscles activate metabolic and energetic processes. If they are not strengthened by simple exercises at home, can appear the symptoms of degenerative disc disease, degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs. Regular training exercises, developed back muscles help to cope with the increased load on the spine caused by an unnatural vertical position.

In addition, inside the vertebral column are placed the spinal cord, associated nerve roots from internal organs and muscles. Because of the weakness of the muscles of the back parts of the spine are compressed excessively, causing spinal discs are compressed, become less elastic. The result places the joints of the spine worse lubricated, wear out faster, acquire pathological growths osteophytes.

Training exercises to strengthen the back muscles helping the spine to cope with the load, prevents degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs.

Exercises to strengthen back muscles

1. Walking normal or socks with a small pillow on the head.

2. Walking on the toes with knees bent, put a gymnastic stick on the blades.

3. Initial position (I. p.) – standing, hands are connected behind the castle. To allocate hands back, bend. In the hands it is possible to hold a gymnastic stick, a ball or a dumbbell.

4. I. p. – sitting on a chair, hands on head, head somewhat lowered forward. Take the head back, hands providing little resistance.

5. I. p. – sitting on the floor, hands put back. To raise the pelvis, the head retract, bend, hold 3 – 5 to return to I. p.

6. Same drill, but to rely on one leg, the other to lift up or to take away.

7. I. p. – lying on your back, legs bent, feet and elbows on the floor. Leaning the back of his head, elbows and feet to raise your pelvis.

8. I. p. – same, legs are straight. Bend only in the thoracic spine without lifting the pelvis and head.

9. I. p. – same, hands down. Leaning the back of his head and feet, to lift the torso, bend. Hands can be a little help, legs can be slightly bent.

10. I. p. – lying on his stomach, arms along the body. Raise your head and shoulders, hold for 3-5 seconds and lower.

11. I. p. – the same hands behind his back. Raise your head and shoulders, hands divert ago, SAG.

12. I. p. – lying on his stomach, hands on his head. Raise your head and shoulders, to bend legs in knee joints, to stretch the head to the feet.

13. P. I. – the same. Raise your head, shoulders and straight legs, bend, hold 3-5 seconds

14. I. p. – lying on his stomach, arms along the body. Leaning hands on floor, back slightly bent leg, pull heel to head, trying to get to handstand on his chest. This exercise can be done first with a rubber strap (rope), the ends of which are in the raised hands and its middle part is held by the feet.

15. I. p. – sitting on the floor, the back of his head to lean in the chair. Pushing your head, lift up your pelvis, bend, hold 3-5 seconds

16. I. p. – lying on his stomach, hands at the top (towards the torso), in the hands of the ball of the foot fixed. Raise your head, shoulders and straight arms.

17. I. p. – on your knees, feet fixed. Lean forward with straight body (back straight) and return to I. p.

18. I. p. – lying with hips on a gym bench, with his head down and the ball in the hands, legs are fixed. To lift the torso, bend over backwards to keep 3 – 5 and lower.

19. I. p. – same, to have completed the previous exercise, but, a break, throw the ball back.

20. Same drill, but, having unbent, keep torso in a horizontal position 3 – 5 s.

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