Home / Business / The young wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan said that marital debt is sacred

The young wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan said that marital debt is sacred


On the eve of 81st birthday of national artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan correspondents of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” has decided to ask his wife, 36-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, how is their family life.


According to Vitalina, since they with the spouse have formalized their relationship, nothing has changed, because until then they had lived together for 15 years. “There is nothing new in the it is not made. How they lived and live. I think if at this age Armen Borisovich decided to marry, then he is convinced he has made the right choice,” said the wife of the artist.



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Vitalina’m sure between her and Dzhigarkhanyan — love, not attachment. The blonde thinks that the artist just cannot access it to cool off, as is her destiny. “Me my husband, of course, very lucky. I think, and he with me. He’s still in good shape, still works. The most important thing — good for him. I think it is evident,” shared Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

The blonde said that and she is a great wife who is well educated and do not shirk marital debt: “by far, is sacred. Not wussing out. I think that someone as educated, I guess. I have a good decent family. And I think that I’m a good wife.”


We will remind, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan left wife Tatiana Sergeevna Vlasova six years ago, but to formalize the divorce, the actor decided only recently. About the novel Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya for a long time nobody knew. When the relationship of the lovers ceased to be a secret in the Dzhigarkhanyan theater was split: many artists rebelled, knowing that Armen Borisovich gave up his post of artistic Director Vitalina, who previously served in the theater’s musical Director.

Армен Джигарханян ушел от жены к Виталине Цимбалюк-Романовской еще несколько лет назад

Официально развестись с супругой актер решил только в преддверии своего юбилея

По словам Джигарханяна, он очень любит Виталину, но чем именно она его покорила, точно ответить не может

После того как свою должность Армен Борисович отдал Виталине, труппа его театра взбунтовалась

Влюбленные обосновались в подмосковной квартире, где в умиротворяющей обстановке наслаждаются обществом друг друга

Виталина Цымбалюк-Романовская

Виталина Цымбалюк-Романовская и Армен Джигарханян

Виталина Цымбалюк-Романовская

Армен Джигарханян

Виталина Цымбалюк-Романовская  instagram.com/vitalinaromanovskaya/

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