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The West, but Russia is not

To Moscow has unexpectedly arrived the Minister for foreign Affairs of France Mr Ayrault. Stork, as always, complemented the information in his style: “Ayrault arrived in Russia, unexpectedly for himself”.

Западу можно, а вот России — нельзя

Stork jokes are always a hit, and work becomes easy and pleasant. However, the very essence of the visit is very significant and interesting. We will see another intellectual dead end of French diplomacy, which will now be to persuade the Russians that they did not block a UN security Council resolution, which is extremely anti-Russian. Let you will not find it strange — the French believe this development has ground to place.

You are interested in, what do you say Russian? So here and to the fortuneteller do not go! Now the entire Ministry of foreign Affairs, Russian carry Ayrault mug’s foreign Ministry parquet in connection with the blocking by the Americans of the resolution proposed by Russia condemning the bombing of the Russian Embassy.

Americans, it seemed quite valid action, but two days does not pass, as for that Russians would give back. However, a hard failure will not. Lavrov is an experienced man, and he is still someone to breed: although rabbits, even frogs.

In General, an interesting motive of the Minister Ayrault. You need to understand that this happens only because Mr. Ayrault realizes that he has no chance none whatsoever. And anyway, after Lavrov said that Russia is ready to cooperate with France about its resolution in the UN security Council, Ayrault, probably, understood that they took him on a short leash and now will drive and back as and where you want.

This is a clear sign that life will soon become ridiculous around the Minister Ayrault, but he is definitely not amused. Failing resolution of France very easily, but Russia would do it very skillfully, you can even say elegant enough to make a few additions and a resolution will block US. I suggest our dear readers to come up with its complement in the resolution of France to the United States it was blocked. Guess in the comments of our readers will be able to show their wit and ingenuity.

Returning to the subject of our conversation can be noted that these recent initiatives are now hovering in the air with a very active flow of Western politicians and the media is a very interesting topic. She says very much. First, nothing the West can not now think of. Secondly — it’s not even an attack on Russia, but I’d say it’s an active defense against Russia.

Russia is aching and it is now visible to all. Recall a situation a year or two ago, our readers said that we too give the President of Russia. Those who constantly reads, we can remember that the comments lately, this is no more. Many of our readers will clearly see now what we said two years ago.

Here and now we are not talking about the forecast that we gave on the French resolution, that do successfully subsided into the sewers, now we are talking about the fact that Russian has made a new attempt, and instead to bury the resolution, explicitly raise it, actively trying not to let her drown. Agree, this is a completely different situation.

In General, the plot of the Russians is clear and very interesting. But what will happen? It is clear that the Russians actively dodging. Well, for example, we hear that the intensity of Syrian air force in Aleppo has declined. Are we to understand it as a kind of fear in connection with the increased rhetoric in world politics? The Americans might be able to describe it exactly, but in reality it can be quite for another reason.

The thing is that there, in Syria, there are very dense local battles, and bomb dangerous, you can get on their own. That is, we see a smart war with the very close cooperation of all arms. This, despite the technical sophistication of NATO troops, never had enough coalition. Because of this and the Gib, such as civilians.

Now put the blame on Russia NATO troops is an awful thing because it can float its own, absolutely proven episodes of criminal bombing of civilians not only in Syria, but in Libya and so on.

Demarches Samantha Power at the UN, too, look like a stampede from the courtroom in their own country, yet only when the microphone is on before Mr. Churkin. So the ghouls run away somewhere at dusk with the onset of daylight.

The initiative of the German Deputy in charge of the Committee of the Bundestag for foreign Affairs, Mr Norbert Röttgen, is unlikely to find enough supporters for new sanctions, especially since Putin raises the question of the damages due to sanctions.

I think you need to say a few words about it. Some political and public figures, not burdened with official duties, immediately got the sarcasm and there were poisonous comments like “the Russians said that the sanctions are good for them, why would now claim compensation?”.

This is an unprofessional approach to the situation. No matter how Russia reacted to the sanctions and I wrapped for myself, good and bad. This does not negate the collective responsibility of the West for the deliberate and criminal a desire to harm Russia, as a state, and so you have to pay. Attempted murder is also a crime, an attempted robbery is an act punishable by law and in enough rigid form. So here, from the Russian side, no stocks.

Will Russia demand real compensation will be known later. Not always the plaintiff insists on the satisfaction, but simply ignore the statement of Russia now will not be able neither politicians nor financiers. So, the Russian pressure will be taken into account as a potential threat to economies from dozens of countries in Europe and America. This, of course, strengthens the position of Russia. All think that Putin’s going to give up, and in his sleeve all the new aces.

If you compare Russia’s initiative with the initiative of France and the resolution in the UN security Council against the initiative of Russia, at least, no one has the right of veto.

Here the Russian involve the West in trench warfare. This is not the situation, when the West in the form of Napoleon standing on a high hill, on the drum and looks through a telescope as if the smartest way to attack the Russian. It is rather a situation where at Poltava Charles XII “Suddenly weak hands attention to Russian he moved the shelf”. Because the condition of the West today, as Karl then, Pushkin very aptly: “And before the blue ranks of its militant squads, carried by faithful servants, the rocking, pale, immovable, suffering from a wound, Carl appeared. The leaders of the hero followed him. He is in the Duma quietly sank. Confused eyes portrayed extraordinary excitement. It seemed that Carl brought a welcome battle in the confusion…”

What happened to Charles and Napoleon we remember and, by the way, with many it happened and after. We come to the point when Russia will again have to teach the forgotten and the lost. To show that grandchildren are worthy of their fathers and grandfathers. Remember Twardowski “…and was like a bone in a big Russian mitten hand”.

I would argue those who set up more liberal, they say, is it possible that without these wars and deaths — because the 21st century!

Here the answer is simple — the West is possible, but Russia cannot. Because it is not Russia so many times in history has gone to war on foreign territory but she always finished them there. Here it is useful to remember and to Mr. Ayrault and Victoria Nuland and Mr. Kirby, and, of course, Angela Merkel, and of our home-grown democracy too.

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