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The weakening of the Russian economy critically mired in the conflict of religious groups

На фоне ослабления экономики Россия критически увязла в конфликте религиозных групп

On Wednesday, the White house and the US state Department commented on the situation after the decision of the United States to suspend talks with Russia on Syria.

Russia does not want or is unable to fulfil the commitments made by it to the United States, said White house spokesman Josh Ernest.

“This has undermined their credibility – not only from USA but also from the international community,” said Ernest. “Russia, – he continued – is in a situation, when she basically has only one ally is Iran, with whom they support the Assad regime.”

“They’re doing it the face of international condemnation for the methods of warfare used by the Assad regime with the help of Russia against innocent civilians,” – said the representative of the White house.

“In some cases, said Ernest, – we are talking about cluster munitions, in other – the use of “bounceable” bombs for attacks on facilities devoted to help the civilians, hospitals or, in some cases, even underground recreation centers for children.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin was, according to Ernest, the “main target of criticism from the international community because of the tactics that Russia uses or supports during the civil war in Syria.”

As noted by the representative of the White house, Moscow’s actions led to the fact that Russia “is even more mired in the conflict of religious groups that nourishes extremism and poses a great threat to Russian civilians or soldiers in Syria.” This increases the danger of extremism to Russia itself, said Josh Ernest.

“All this is happening against the background of weakening of the Russian economy, – stated the press Secretary of the White house. According to the IMF report, which was published today, the volume of Russia’s economy is currently less than the economies of countries like Spain or Australia”.

“Thus, concluded Ernest – I’m not sure if this is the plan that wants to implement President Putin (the plan) will benefit the Russian people and the Russian economy. And there is no doubt that he will not benefit national security.”

In the same situation and commented the U.S. state Department spokesman mark Toner.

Underlining the frustration of the American side by Moscow, Toner noted that suspending bilateral talks with Russia on Syria, the United States has not closed door multilateral contacts.

As stressed by the representative of the U.S. state Department in Washington still believe that the political process and the political transition is the best option to resolve the Syrian conflict.

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