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The Wake of the Soviet Union


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Remember, economic growth in the early noughties?

So what you still believed economic growth was actually a Wake for Soviet industry, science and education – the Wake of the Soviet Union.

We all just covered the clearing, so we drank, ate and had fun at the funeral all that was left of the Soviet Union.

Of course, officially, it’s a Wake was called. Officially, the celebration was dedicated to the economic successes of Russia, the restoration of defense and other rising from its knees. But it is only formally.

We talked about success, rebirth and bright prospects only to more fun, we had fun. So more drinking and eating. Because while we drank, ate and had fun, funeral team has buried the science, education and production – sawed factories built in their place, shopping malls, selling entire floors in the design institutes, cutting them in half, then another half, and then closing permanently.

We were fed and watered, so we buried in a plate of pickles and tilting one drink after another, not turned around and did not stop working behind our backs funeral team.

We talked about the success that we did not notice the loss.

We were entertained, so we don’t realized it.

And we had fun. We drank, ate, danced. Drank for economic growth, drinking in small and large successes. Each of them noted something different – a new car, new position, some even new apartment. Many went to rest in Turkey or Egypt and were there to celebrate two whole weeks without a break, the fact of the trip. And while they celebrated in Turkey or Egypt, the fact of washing of the feet in the waters of the Mediterranean, in Russia worked tirelessly funeral team – sawed and was buried, sawed and buried.

For success – and the neighborhood went bankrupt another plant.

For the prosperity and the plant gave the creditors.

For stability – and the plant demolished.

And we partied and had fun, drank and ate, and rejoiced in their little successes and the big prospects of the country, drawn to us by the President and the government. But these prospects were like the hearth, painted on canvas in the closet Pope Carlo. Only no magic door behind him was not. This canvas is painted on it with bright prospects worked the undertakers who buried the remains of the Soviet inheritance, the remains of the USSR.

It’s like demolition work, when the scaffolding stretched grid, which depicts a beautiful modern building that should appear in place of the old structure. And while I admire the perspective view, the old structure is dismantled and taken out.

Only in this case, dismantling the thing was over. It remains only scaffolding and mesh with a beautiful picture. And then at some point the grid with the picture will be removed and remains a vacant lot. Or pit from which should grow the ultra-modern skyscraper new great Russia, but never grew up.

Yes, it happened with Russia.

Around the remains of the USSR put the scaffolding, pulled the net featuring the beautiful perspectives of the new modern state, which is among the five leading economies of the world in which everyone will have decent pensions and wages, $ 25 million high-tech jobs and so-forth. And while we were drinking for this rejoicing is depicted in front of us to the future, a stretched grid was working on the dismantling of Soviet industry, science and education.

Then on part of the vacant site to build a shopping center and the scaffolding made the passage so we could buy food and continue to drink, walk and have fun.

And we shopped, drank, walked, had fun.

But nothing but a shopping center on the site of the dismantled Soviet industry by and large was never built. Only plant for processing of poultry and the points of screwdriver Assembly of imported machinery.

Yes, no one was going to build anything serious – it’s just not included in the plans of the funeral team. Their case was intelligently dismantling remnants of the Soviet legacy and to sell everything that had value to recoup the costs of dismantling and Banquet for the people. And the rest to bury it, trying not to attract attention so no one disrupted the process shouts of “buried alive”.

In General they have coped with their task.

Something places left, but not much. Main safely sawed, took out buried. And most of the population didn’t even notice, enthusiastically drinking and eating at celebrations on the occasion of Russia getting up off its knees, which actually was the funeral of the Soviet Union.

For zero we cleverly distracted, placing a plate of different snacks and pouring stiff drinks.

All tequila – and sold one floor of the Institute.

All the whiskey and sold the second floor of the Institute.

All the sake and sold the rest.

We listened to stories about the fact that it will take 20 years of stable development and Russian will not know. And now 17 years have passed. And Russia really do not know.

A country that once produced almost all of today produces almost nothing. As an exception remained the manufacturing of launch vehicles, helicopters, and nuclear power. But without specialists and these areas will not live long. The Assembly of missiles already begun to do odd jobs, not able to correctly set the sensor lateral deviation. What if the same “experts” will start to collect reactors – I’m afraid to guess.

Some boast that all the yards cluttered with cars.

But where in the country as many cars if the Russian had almost ceased to produce?

Foreign cars, which filled all the courts – a kind of compensation for what we have allowed to liquidate their own production, science and education.

It’s just part of the Banquet, a part of the celebrations of our and foreign elites on the occasion of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the cut of his inheritance.

This is a funeral, a very solemn funeral.

And what is most remarkable – the celebrations on the occasion of the dissolution of the Soviet industry, science and education organised at our expense.

All the glamor and glitter of zero, all the cars that crowded the yards – all at our expense.

Everything is organized on the money raised from the sale of the remnants of Soviet industry and design institutes, collective farms with their land and other assets. And after all this once belonged to all of us, provided us good or bad, but provided.

The undertakers of the USSR simply privatized (read: assigned) that belonged to all of us, sold and part of the proceeds gave us a Banquet, declaring that the celebrations on the occasion of the birth of the new Russia, though no one new they didn’t give birth, but to kill all that was left of the USSR.

It’s like that to kill people to sell bodies and part of the proceeds to throw a big funeral, a toast for the health and otplyasyvaya on the bones.

Exactly what in fact happened.

Our industry, science and education killed, sold valuable organs and part of the proceeds were allowed to buy us a tequila and rum, oysters and lobster, so we could spend a couple weeks in Turkey and Egypt, while a burial team buries the remnants of the Soviet legacy.

The greater part of the organs obtained from the butchering of the Soviet legacy sold us – in the form of extra charges to the goods sold in shopping centers, built on the site of the plants. In the form of rent in the former design institutes. In the form of rent for housing, built in the Soviet Union in the form of utility bills for the operation of the rest of the Soviet infrastructure.

Solemn commemoration of our country at our expense.

Banquet on the occasion of the murder due to the relatives of the deceased with songs and dances, a torn accordion and a tour of the crypt.

And the master of ceremonies.

In the role of master of ceremonies stands guess who.

And his eyes so kind, good…

It was a memorial, friends. What many of you have adopted for economic growth is zero – it was just a Banquet, which gave us elite on the occasion of the sale of Soviet industry, science and education. Staged at our expense, a good earning and on sale at the Banquet.

And we still have to, because that part of the Banquet was organized in the loan.

And many foreign cars, which filled all the yards are also bought on credit.

And these loans taken abroad, so we can not abandon them, because without foreign supplies, we now can’t even grow a bird.

Here such it turned out in the Wake of the Soviet Union is a solemn, beautiful memorial.

Many still are unable to move and require continuation of the Banquet.

And some time the Banquet is still continuing.

The Olympics – it was something like nine days in the Soviet Union, we still have a football championship – it will be something like forty days.

And then all.

The Soviet Union solemnly buried, with songs and dances, a torn accordion and a trip to Turkey and Egypt, but the great Russia that funeral team promised us to build on the site of the Union, nice drawing it on construction mesh, stretched around the pit – and no.

Scaffolding and netting is still in place, but not for long.

Soon this grid will break the wind, the scaffolding will fall and our eyes gaze at only the pit. Rather grave. Grave, where solemn, with merry song and dance, a drink and a snack, toast the most influential in the world of Toastmasters and choral singing of the liberal elite was buried the Soviet Union.

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