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The unique properties of bananas, which not everyone knows

Уникальные свойства бананов, о которых не все знаютBanana — probably the most popular fruit in any home.

As a rule, they are one of the most affordable fruits that are easy to eat, easy to cook, they have a pleasant sweet taste, which, though a little, but it always reminds you of summer. In addition to accessibility, bananas are also very useful.

Almost every family at least once a week buys home bananas — they love children, they can take to work for snacking, they always turn out delicious breakfasts and desserts. Besides the fact that bananas delicious, they are also very useful for our health, positively affecting the heart, improving the condition of the skin, increasing libido, normalizing pressure and lifting mood.

The secret lies in the banana contained in these vitamins, which in this tropical fruit is a set of: vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9, A, PP, C and E augmented for greater efficiency a large number of macro – and micronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus and sodium. That’s why bananas are the best snack — all these nutrients give energy boost to the body, making it feel more powerful to work with. Bananas quickly increase the blood sugar level, which is especially important in an active mental and physical exertion.

Doctors recommend including banana in daily diet of people suffering from diseases of the kidneys and liver, atherosclerosis, as well as those for whom is characteristic of hypertension, frequent heartburn and constipation. It is scientifically proven that a banana is an effective antidepressant positively influencing the nervous system, helps to cope with seasonal depression and normalizes sleep.

Bananas are widely used in the preparation of a health and nourishing masks for face and hair. It is believed that active vitamin content of this fruit helps to smooth wrinkles and remove any inflammation on the skin’s surface. It is still important that bananas have virtually no contraindications. They shouldn’t be diabetics because bananas have a lot of fructose. Do not eat bananas before bed, and especially with milk because it can cause flatulence.

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