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The U.S. military continues to scare Europe Russia

Военные США продолжают пугать Европу Россией

Remember, in Soviet times, all the eminent Western politicians in one voice insisted that NATO required to protect Europe from the Soviet Union. Logically, after the collapse of the country of Soviets was abolished and the Alliance. Because the meaning of his existence already anyway. But there it was. Savvy Americans realized that the dwarf European state is possible with the same success to scare a huge and Russia, because it is the successor to the Soviet Union, and nuclear weapons available. And to be more reasons to place new military bases everywhere, attributed to block more of the responsibility to protect Europe from terrorism. Terrorism they have really bad turns to fight, but turn everyone against Russia quite successfully.

Recently, speaking to the Germans, the head of the Pentagon Ashton Carter once again began to accuse Russia in all “mortal sins”: and the relationship we all screw up, and his army arm, and exercises regularly conduct. And here is the American representative of the world’s only country to use nuclear weapons to murder thousands of people, says that Russia, they say, “is brandishing nuclear weapons.”

I would like to remind this gentleman that not all States welcome the presence of NATO fighters in its territory. Just recently on the border in Moldova American soldiers were blocked by protesting citizens. The posters local residents was clearly written that they do not want to see their land on a NATO base. Not to harp on some world, increasing the number of databases and total number of troops. And so to cover all this unfounded accusations of our country in the “rattling of nuclear weapons” is ridiculous.


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